Daniel Craig
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Daniel's chart wheel

Daniel Craig

March, 2nd 1968 Local Time 11:30 PM Universal Time 10:30 PM

Chester, United Kingdom 53°12'N, 02°55'W

Forecast : 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

Daniel Craig

March, 2nd 1968 Local Time 11:30 PM Universal Time 10:30 PM

Chester, United Kingdom 53°12'N, 02°55'W

All times based on current location of Chester, United Kingdom

Jump to Planetary Positions

12 Month Predictor

Hi Daniel,

As the planets move through the heavens in their individual orbits they form angles to the positions that the planets occupied at the time of your birth. This report interprets the way these planetary movements affect you as an individual, and explains how they influence your relationships, your work, your moods, and every aspect of your life. It will also provide guidance as to how you can make the most of opportunities when they arise, as well as helping you to maximize your strengths, and minimize your weaknesses.

Understanding your 12 Month Predictor Forecast

Please note, at the beginning of your 12 Month Predictor, you will find your birth chart and aspect grid with a list of the planet aspects of your birth chart. What follows are interpretations of transiting planets and the aspects, they make to the planet positions of your birth chart.

Your 12 Month Predictor should only be used as a helpful guide. At all time, it is for you to choose the best path to follow from what is written below and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.


The accuracy of your given birth time can significantly affect the timing of the interpretations, especially in relation to your Ascendant, Midheaven and Moon. Therefore, if you are unsure of your exact birth time, less attention should be paid to interpretations relating to your Ascendant, Midheaven and Moon.

Your Transit Calendar

Developing or Exaggerating Trends

Jupiter trends from 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

February 17th to 27th 2022

Increased Vitality - Exaggerating Everything - Growing Creativity

Transiting Jupiter Conjuncts your natal Sun

Start of a new 11-12 year 'Belief in Life Cycle'

This time is all about furthering yourself, through studying, journeys or moving, and launching yourself into a new chapter of your life's story. So, anything that is aimed at achieving this has a cosmic stamp of approval. Yet simply because this is a natural time of expansion for you, there is also the danger of you overestimating your resources and possibilities - falling short of them - and then exaggerating your disappointment.

So, some sober restraint is a vital ingredient in most of your considerations at present, because this has the effect of steadying rather than abusing what is actually a period of promise. Providence smiles on those who don't expect too much (or too little, for that matter) - but it also leaves stranded, at a later date, those who are just plain greedy.

This is essentially a time of experiencing joy, and spreading it around - as wisely as possible. Your most sensible and important investment under this influence would be that of tuning in to the positive feelings that are a very real feature right now.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a very strong influence. It reinforces the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Big Hearts and Minds - Good Health - The Extraordinary

THEME: A powerful emphasis upon your Sun Profile, thereby inflating your sense of Self and of being alive - for good or ill.

March 28th 2022 onwards to April 7th 2022

Power Plays - Increased Ambition - Exaggerated Fears or Obsessions

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Pluto

One way or another, now is a time when you get more in touch and involved with what needs changing and improving, and with the necessary force and will that can make this possible. But this can be rather like Aladdin and his Lamp, because the 'genie' of power and ambition that you summon up may well turn against you - however well-intentioned you thought you were.

Therefore, be ruthlessly honest and careful about your motivation to gain any particular position or object, because the desire to serve the whole rather than just yourself is the only motivation that will truly justify, and indeed guide, your actions now. If your intentions are not principled then things could blow up in your face. On the other hand though, avoid being falsely modest, for this would cause you to miss out on the opportunity that is presently in the air.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong influence, and usually attracts confrontations that in turn increase your awareness of the matter concerned.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Provocation/Confrontation - Crises of Opinion - Legal Conflicts

THEME: Forced emphasis upon your Pluto Profile, in order that you appreciate the nature of power and hidden influences in your life.

April 18th to 28th 2022

Spiritual Furtherance - Increased Acceptance - Gentle Speculation

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Neptune

This influence is soft, even dreamy, and not particularly dynamic - so it brings a time of being able to tune into the Universe, and going with its intentions more than your own. Consequently, getting the best - or anything at all - out of this period greatly depends upon what you understand this to mean.

If you are by nature into doing 'good works' or looking into the meaning of life, then this will help you to do so even more. If you are more self-interested, this might just give you a glimpse of a greater and more meaningful life than you believed existed, which may simply be seen in the plight of one other or many others.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a medium strength influence that allows you to make progress with relative ease and support. It rewards past efforts.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Guides or Gurus - Idealism - Uplifting Experiences

THEME: Chances to make more of your Neptune Profile, through a better understanding of your compassion and sensitivity.

April 24th 2022 onwards to May 5th 2022

Belief Versus Freedom - Increasingly Radical - Exaggerated Uniqueness

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Uranus, REPEATED when direct from 20th to 26th November 2022. Exact 23rd November

You feel that 'something's got to give', and if it doesn't then you'll make it do so! Whatever happens now is in aid of giving you a stronger sense of you as a one-off individual. This can mean being constantly pulled this way and that as your morals conflict with your urge to be free, or, for example, it might suddenly land you with the opportunity to do something entirely different.

Restlessness can be a particularly disruptive force in you right now, but you could more than satisfy such feelings through simply doing something that you'd never normally do. The pull or desirability of investing your time and energy in new ways of living and looking at life is strong now. Such involvements can act as a springboard into a fresh chapter in your life, where the world is more your oyster than ever it was before.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong influence, and usually attracts confrontations that in turn increase your awareness of the matter concerned.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Unexpected Chances - Significant Coincidences - Release of Tension

THEME: The forced emphasis of your Uranus Profile, through magnifying your desire to be true to yourself.

Stabilizing or Testing Trends

Saturn trends from 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

February 10th to 28th 2022

Hard Work - Dull/Seriously Minded - Perception Tested - Groundwork

Transiting Saturn Conjuncts your natal Mercury, REPEATED when retrograde from 8th October 2022 to 6th November 2022. Exact 23rd October

Start of a new 29.5 year 'Mind in Order Cycle'

Most things on the work and intellectual front are slowed down at this time. You're being tried as to whether any given project is worth the mental effort. If it is, then it will survive this period. You could be given more responsibility at work - or have your position tested. Any woolly thinking or slackness on your part will attract pressure from authority figures, which would include your own conscience.

Bear in mind that the intention of this influence is to balance your attitude, bringing it in line with the reality at hand. Disciplining your mind now will serve you well for a long time to come. If in doubt, take your time; and only speak if you are absolutely sure of what you wish to say. Allow for delays, especially while on your travels.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a very strong influence. It stimulates the situation in hand and both forces and enables you to advance and grow.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Mental Focus/Pressure - Lack of Work - Dry Intellectualism

THEME: A powerful point of reckoning with regard to your Mercury Profile, where you have to put your mental faculties in order.

April 11th 2022 onwards to May 19th 2022

Emotional Stability - Domestic Security - Establishing Safety

Transiting Saturn Sextiles your natal Moon, REPEATED when retrograde from 20th June 2022 to 30th July 2022. Exact 14th July and again when direct from 6th to 25th January 2023. Exact 16th January

This is literally and metaphorically a case of being able to put your house in order. Your life experience is serving you well at this time, and you feel able to simultaneously satisfy both your inner needs and outer responsibilities; home and work life are in harmony and serve one another well. The best of what is conservative in your nature manifests itself, allowing you to plan and set down conditions that will ensure future comfort and security. You become aware that Heaven and Earth are in their respective and proper places.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a mild influence and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Sobriety and Self-Control - Settled Family - Reliable Care

THEME: Opportunities to be practical and objective with matters relating to your Moon Profile, thereby meeting your own needs, and of those close to you.

Awakening or Disrupting Trends

Uranus trends from 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

February 24th 2022 onwards to April 11th 2022

Freeing Your Will - Awakening Creativity - Renewing Vitality

Transiting Uranus Sextiles your natal Sun

Under this influence you can, if you wish to, transform your lifestyle. This is because prevailing circumstances offer you the chances and facilities to develop or redevelop yourself. The kinds of people and situation with which you are now involved allow you to make the most of your original and creative attributes.

Also the studying or usage of anything that is concerned with advancing knowledge and broadcasting information - technology, astrology, metaphysics, media - is now well-starred. Essentially, this is a time for making all things NEW! And it is an especially good time for beginning any regimen that will make you feel a new person - particularly with regard to your health. The more eager you are to make creative changes now, the more opportunities will arise to help you do just that.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Stimulating Friendships - Alternatives - Expert Assistance

THEME: Opportunities to become more keenly aware of your Sun Profile, thereby enabling you to make positive changes in your life.

March 9th 2022 onwards to April 19th 2022

General Shake Up - Loosening Parental Ties - Fighting for Freedom

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal MidHeaven

During this time you experience tremors that are designed to dislodge outmoded attitudes that have probably been around since you were a child. The object of such is to force you to liberate yourself from stale and limiting ways of being that are possibly holding you back professionally, personally or both. Seeing that it was your parents who apparently instilled these negative attitudes, you are very likely to struggle against their influence quite strongly now, whether or not one or both of them is alive, or living with you.

The more you put some emotional or physical space between you and them, or rather what it is in them that appears to compromise your freedom, then the more you will be adapting yourself for the future. Unless there are no signs of such friction - which if you are being honest is very unlikely - then attempting to maintain the status quo could find your life severely limited at a later date.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your current strengths and weaknesses.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Clashes Between Family and Friends - Liberating Awareness

THEME: Disruption of your Midheaven Profile, giving rise to changes and upsets on the domestic and/or professional scene.

April 10th 2022 onwards to May 16th 2022

Awakening Love/Beauty - Disrupting Relationships - Changing Values

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal Venus, REPEATED when direct from 18th December 2022 to 26th February 2023. Exact 22nd January 2023

You now attract, or are attracted to, anything or anyone that gives you a stronger sense of emotional satisfaction. If current involvements or pursuits are alive to change and experimentation, then you will get the best out of this influence. Existing relationships can have new life breathed into them; new relationships, which are very likely to happen now, are the breath of life itself, and are in aid of getting you in touch with relating freely and honestly.

As such, you find yourself drawn not to your usual type, because this gives you a sharper and fresher sense of yourself as a lover or social being. You would do well to appreciate Kahlil Gibran's injunction concerning love between two people: "Let the winds of the heavens dance between you".

If you are stuck in any kind of rut socially or romantically, morally or artistically, then be ready for something to shake you out of your complacency - such as you or your partner being drawn to someone or something else. But the more you go to meet this transitional period with an awareness that life, significant others, and you yourself are worth more than you presently think, then you will ultimately be pleasantly surprised.

Yet passing through this phase wondering what you're doing and who you're doing it with, would be an unavoidable part of your redefining and coming to terms with both your true sense of what brings you and others happiness, and an individual moral code that allows you to do so. This should be a time of stimulating, although not particularly stable, relationships, and of original expression and experience.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Liberating Relationships - Short Lasting Affairs - Divorce

THEME: Forced or renewed awareness of your Venus Profile, through the manner of your social or artistic expression being radically altered.

June 8th 2022 onwards to August 4th 2022

Awakening Perception - Revolution in Thinking - Disrupting Ideas

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal Mercury, REPEATED when retrograde from 12th September 2022 to 13th November 2022. Exact 19th October

This is a time when the mental lens through which you view life is changed. During this process you will adopt new theories and methods that challenge both yourself and others to change with the times and get fitted out for the future. With such a powerful but erratic current going through your mind you can also expect to be changing it quite often.

Likewise, be ready for 'jumps' in your perception that suddenly cause you to take off in a new direction with irresistible force. Or, you might crash into an immovable object, because resisting this influence with rigid thinking would find you feeling tense and out of step; even to the point of snapping.

Conversely, mental flexibility enables you to snap into different modes or unconventional techniques - which could include the study of some alternative or technological subject - that in turn allows you to cut corners and break new ground. But beware of being too impulsive and not stopping to think, or of forgetting that something else again will come along to alter your course. You are being 're-routed' now, so enjoy the 'diversion'.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong to medium influence that challenges you to develop in proportion to your relevant strengths and weaknesses.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: New Ideas - Job Changes/Home Moves - Nervous Complaints

THEME: The powerful awakening of your Mercury Profile, through your mental attitude being radically altered.

Sensitizing or Wearying Trends

Neptune trends from 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

January 6th 2022 onwards to March 11th 2022

Sensitive to Hidden Matters - Undermining Obsessions

Transiting Neptune Opposes your natal Pluto, REPEATED when retrograde from 10th November 2022 to 26th December 2022. Exact 4th December

Those undercurrents of emotion that have been secretly (but powerfully) affecting you all your life, now become apparent, but as a result of something (or someone) no longer being there. That is, unless you are deliberately seeking to discover your most hidden motivations and power complexes. Either way though, you should now expect to make contact with those aspects of life and yourself which cannot be easily explained away. In fact, the more you try to avoid gut issues now, the more trouble they'll give you. So, the more you adopt a spiritual perspective and an attitude of acceptance, the more likely you are to experience enlightenment rather than deception; self-awareness through isolation, rather than depression through desolation.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a strong influence and usually attracts confrontations that, in turn, increase your awareness of the matter concerned.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: Mysterious Insights - Secrets Revealed - Disappearances

THEME: Being made subtly aware of your Pluto Profile, through tuning into or being confronted with certain home truths.

Regenerating or Degenerating Trends

Pluto trends from 26th January 2022 to 25th January 2023

January 26th 2022 onwards to August 12th 2022


Radical Transformation - Thorough Overhauls - The Power of Freedom

Transiting Pluto Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus, REPEATED when direct from 1st December 2022 to 5th February 2023. Exact 5th January 2023

This is a good time for feeling more a part of the positive changes that are occurring generally in the world around you. Chances offer themselves now to use your own uniqueness in order to further such changes, or to simply contact what is utterly original about you. So you can begin to feel a 'Citizen of the World' or at least take a rewarding and alternative look at your own potentials, with a view to expressing them better.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a medium strength influence that allows you to make progress with relative ease and support. It rewards past efforts.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: New or Regenerated Friendships - New Insights and Liberties

THEME: Opportunities to become more involved with your Uranus Profile, through identifying your individual affect on the greater whole, and your place in it.

July 12th 2022 onwards to December 27th 2022


Deepening Spirituality - The Power of Acceptance

Transiting Pluto Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune

Whatever lies beyond ordinary, everyday occurrences, is what can appeal to your sensitivity now. The subtle movements and cycles of life are more meaningful to you, and so you are able to gain a perspective upon existence that allows you to appreciate the greater scheme of things, and how you and others fit into it. You find it easier to take all things in your stride.

SIGNIFICANCE: This is a mild influence, and you probably need to apply some conscious effort in order to reap its benefits.

POSSIBLE ENCOUNTERS: The Mystical - The Transcendental - Peace

THEME: Opportunities to become more involved with your Neptune Profile, thanks to your age and experience.

Forecast for 26th to 31st January 2022

Thursday 20th January


Love At Odds With Sex - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Mars from 20th January 2022 to 6th February 2022. Exact 26th January

You are very much in the mood for sexual and/or romantic experience, or simply to feel socially alive. Depending upon your temperament and availability, such an experience, or at least the opportunity for one, could arise right now, or, it would be a good time to plan for such an occasion, or, failing all of these, it could be a time of frustration if these matters have been put on the backburner.

Then again, out of the blue could come an experience that kind of pleasurably highlights the current state of affairs in your love/sex/social life - even precipitating you into an affair or relationship. All in all though, this has the potential to be an enjoyable and exciting time - but be wary of your own shortcomings with respect to these areas being exposed.

Also on Thursday


Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Saturn from 20th January 2022 to 6th February 2022. Exact 26th January

You experience the serious or very real side of love and social involvement now. This is not a time for having fun and letting your hair down, so do not plan for this or get frustrated trying to make it so. More than likely your partner, or people in general, will come across as sober and responsible now - or in need of such qualities. If you are not with anyone, you can feel more alone than usual, or if you are prepared to take a serious rather than cynical look, you can get the measure of why you are unattached.

If this is truly not an issue under this influence, then you can probably congratulate yourself on being genuinely self-sufficient. By and large though, this period is inclined to show up the warts and weaknesses in your love and social life, including the pressure to do something about it. In any event, this means being emotionally mature and responsible and doing what has to done, even though it is difficult. In time, such commitment will prove to be well worth it. On a financial level, you may well have to read the writing on the wall here instead, or as well, getting real about money being the call of the day.

Sunday 23th January

Easy Self-Assertion - Energy Flows Forth

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 23rd to 27th January 2022. Exact 26th January

You should feel that the force is with you now. This won't be quite so evident though if there are more inhibiting planetary influences around, but at least it will help you to deal with them. Notwithstanding this then, say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and go where you want to go. Somehow, others are more likely than usual to fall in with your desires; probably because you're more inclined to express and go for them in a confident and non-provocative way. All forms of physical activity are highlighted at this time.

Wednesday 26th January


Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus from 26th to 29th January 2022. Exact 28th January

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Thursday 27th January


The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th to 31st January 2022. Exact 29th January

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Saturday 29th January

Getting Things Done - Healthy Self-Assertion - Feeling Fit

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 29th January 2022 to 1st February 2022. Exact 31st January

Getting down to things, opening doors, launching yourself with energy and enthusiasm, attaining the object of your desires - these are some of the advantages of this influence. In proportion to your usual powers of self-assertion, asserting yourself in any way is in tune with the general way of things at present.

Also on Saturday

A Sense of Order - Highlighting Discipline and Economy

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 29th January 2022 to 1st February 2022. Exact 31st January

You should be functioning well over these few days, so it's a good time to get more systematic, devise a plan, or even embark upon some important undertaking - assuming other indications are not inauspicious. You are, at present, more than usually inclined to get down to what needs doing without being, or feeling, distracted by issues that do not bear directly on the job in hand. You are now more disposed towards structure and efficiency than you are towards whims or sentimentality.

Sunday 30th January

Highlighting Inner, Domestic or Family Life - Importance of Roots

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 30th January 2022 to 2nd February 2022. Exact 1st February

Presently it is better to invest energy in the private side of your life and, as much as possible, to draw in your horns as far as the outside world is concerned. Even though it might seem imperative to deal with pressures from work, officialdom, etc, being around the home and spreading a little sunshine amongst those near and dear to you will be most rewarding, (and will also avoid conflicts with regard to professional or public affairs), which is a possibility right now. Cutting a low profile and getting more in touch with your roots, closer to what or who is familiar to you, is just the ticket right now.

Monday 31st January


Logic Versus Feelings - Gossip and Trivia

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Moon from 31st January 2022 to 7th February 2022. Exact 4th February

Time could be wasted with gossiping and small talk - but then again, it might be this very thing that makes you feel in tune with your immediate environment. You are more mentally in touch with your feelings at this time, so you may learn a lot on this front, as well as making it clear to others how you feel and, conversely, receiving from them how they feel. Saying too much could be something to watch out for, as too would be getting into a confrontation with somebody who lives close by, a colleague or family member. Then again, it could be precisely such a confrontation that makes you more aware of your own and another's feelings, generally speaking or with regard to some specific matter.

Forecast for February 2022

Tuesday 1st February

Highlighting Love Life, Pleasure, Material and Social Values

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Venus from 1st to 4th February 2022. Exact 3rd February

What shows now is the 'state of the art'. In other words, whatever you are doing, or not doing, with regard to filling your own and others' lives with some love and beauty is brought to your attention. So such areas as relationships, arts and crafts, social activities, buying and spending, or things that add a sweetness to life are presently to the fore. Positively, this can take the form of generosity, a love encounter, a party, a general sense of happiness, or anything that helps to make life attractive and more worth living. Negatively, finding yourself being mean, lonely, indulgent, excessive, vain or superficial would point to the fact that a genuine sense of worth, and the ability to give or receive love, is somewhat lacking in your life.

Also on Tuesday

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 1st to 9th February 2022. Exact 6th February

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also well-starred - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Friday 4th February

State of Mind - Stimulating Interests - Highlighting Anxieties

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 4th to 7th February 2022. Exact 6th February

Life's spotlight is focused upon the way you think and perceive things now. So, this can mean many things, depending upon what you have currently been doing with your mental faculties, or to your nervous system. Studying, planning, reading, short distance travel, making conversation, arguing the point, gossiping, worrying, or just plain thinking - these are some examples of Mercurial activities that are presently being intensified. This means that more energy is available to you for putting into one or more of these situations, or that you should learn to slow down, trust, think and talk a little less, and listen and feel more.

Sunday 6th February

Stimulating Assertiveness - Provoking Aggression - High Energy

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 6th to 10th February 2022. Exact 8th February


You should be raring to go now, so it's important that you have some constructive outlet for such energies, or otherwise you'll feel wound up and easily agitated. Basically, you should do anything that makes you feel happy to be active and mobile. If for any reason this is not possible, try to identify inside of you what exactly it is that you want or wish to do. Generally, you now get a good idea of how decisive and forthright you currently are. In fact, any course of action that initiates, regenerates or merely continues any project is recommended at this point. However, be warned that working at something resentfully, or repressing and being totally unaware of any urge to act at all, would be asking for a backlash in the form an accident or aggression from someone else - or simply feeling drained.

Also on Sunday

Inhibited or Disciplined Activity - Slowly Does It

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Saturn from 6th to 10th February 2022. Exact 9th February

Hot and Cold

At present there is a danger of your doubts and fears intruding just when you wish to act. This could take the external form of others holding you up in some way, or of some authority holding you back. Struggling angrily against such blockages would attract more frustration, so it's probably most advisable to take a back seat now. Working out your pent-up energies in an industrious fashion is a simple and productive solution. This would also mean having to avoid complications with others, which in turn could bring troublesome emotions to the surface in what could be a physically damaging way.

Monday 7th February

The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 7th to 11th February 2022. Exact 10th February

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Tuesday 8th February

Forcefulness with Ease - The Door Opener - A Winning Way

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 8th to 11th February 2022. Exact 10th February

You are able to approach and execute matters as well as possible now, either in relation to your usual ability to act decisively - or considering the situation that you are currently dealing with. In other words, you are now most likely to know what you want, and how to go about getting it. More to the point, however, you are most likely to assert yourself owing to an instinctive sense of sureness that attracts success and confidence, rather than to being impatient and pushy, which would attract the opposite.

Wednesday 9th February

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 9th to 13th February 2022. Exact 12th February

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Thursday 10th February

Clear Feelings - Equilibrium - Understanding Needs - Inner Calm

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 10th to 13th February 2022. Exact 12th February

This is an excellent time for getting in touch with both yourself and others, because you now experience an optimum balance between what you want and need, and between what you think and feel. So, you are more than usually able to see things in a healthy light, with a minimum of misunderstanding. Seeing eye to eye, creating agreements or settling disputes is also propitious. Moreover, problems arising from childhood traumas may be successfully explored and set on the road to resolution.

Sunday 13th February

Highlighting Sensitivity - Idealism/Escapism - Compassion/Weaknesses

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 13th to 16th February 2022. Exact 15th February

What is brought to light now is something that has been happening outside of your conscious awareness, or has been kept out of sight. Obviously this can mean any number of things, for example: finding out something that's been going on behind your back, or discovering a mysterious dimension of reality you only ever dreamt of; becoming conscious of the fact that you identify more closely with certain others and their hopes and fears, or weak spots being exposed in yourself or others. In any event, it is important that you keep a firm grip on reality, yet, at the same time, remain open to fact or notion that we are all mysteriously united in some way. Generally speaking, your ego is less resilient than usual, so take a back seat and watch life's picture show if you don't feel up to starring in it. Also, be extra careful with drink or drugs because highs and lows are presently very interchangeable.

Monday 14th February

Missing the Point - Jumping to Conclusions - Misplaced Interest

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 14th to 17th February 2022. Exact 16th February

You may find yourself in a difficult mediating position right now - or it may be you who is in need of a go-between of some sort. The trouble is, any kind of communication is likely to go awry at present, unless you have someone or something really efficient on the case. Unless you are sure you have such things well in hand, it is best to take a back seat and say very little until this usually brief period is over.

Wednesday 16th February

Highlighting Expansiveness and Faith - A Sense of Greatness

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Jupiter from 16th to 19th February 2022. Exact 18th February

Whatever it is that you are like normally, now you are more so! Essentially, you are experiencing an urge to grow beyond yourself, and to understand matters in a more comprehensive and philosophical way. So, if you do have something of this nature in mind, then now is the time to make it (begin to) happen. But what you allow yourself, and others, to do or be, has everything to do with your moral viewpoint, which is presently a vital issue. So for a more rewarding life, both now and in the future, you would be wise to cultivate an optimistic and big hearted attitude, and to be mindful that biting off more than you can chew, or making empty promises, is a sure sign that you are pretending to be larger than life, rather than actually being as large as life.

Thursday 17th February

Highlighting Personal Self-Expression - Being a Social Animal

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 17th to 20th February 2022. Exact 19th February

Your urge and ability to mix with others is marginally increased for the time being; you also come across in a more coherent fashion than usual. So, gathering people around you, or getting out and about (depending on which is more suitable), is a good idea, because you now make a good impression. If you usually like to 'play to the crowd', then you'll shine even more now. If not, then you might now possibly surprise yourself.

Sunday 20th February

Initiating Profound Changes - A Healthy Sense of Power

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Pluto from 20th to 24th February 2022. Exact 23rd February

Whatever you feel strongly about in a far-reaching way, can be successfully set in motion now. You may not see the results of this straightaway, but you would sense a sort of 'point of destiny' as you did so. Even if you are not aware of any such burning issue, this is a time when you should feel a certain power in the air. This could take the form of being in the presence of a powerful personality, or a waterfall, or some other impressive phenomenon. In any event, you presently have the ability to impress or be impressed.

Monday 21st February

Loving Deeply - Genuine Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 21st to 25th February 2022. Exact 24th February

You are drawn to what is deep and dark - but probably without feeling controlled or compromised by such a feeling, such as can often be the case. If in a relationship, you now have the experience, or opportunity, of feeling in touch with the nucleus of what binds you together, yet in a way that is very right, fated even. This influence could possibly trigger the start of an important relationship, but there would probably have to be other, longer standing planetary effects to make it so.

Wednesday 23th February

Healthy Self-Assertion - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 23rd to 25th February 2022. Exact 24th February

Your mind is now in gear with your body, so, anything that needs such an advantage, plan for now if you can. Sports, debate, selling, effective communication, getting your foot in the door - these are just some of the pursuits that you are presently more likely to excel in than you would normally. Any job that has been daunting you, and you have been putting off, set to work on it now.

Also on Wednesday

Getting Down To It - Efficient Thinking and Speaking - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 23rd to 25th February 2022. Exact 25th February

Now you can do with relative ease those boring tasks that you might usually put off. Mental discipline comes more naturally to you now, and people in authority (like bosses or officials), can be dealt with more effectively - they themselves will also seem more amenable or efficient. Any kind of work, study or communication is highlighted now, but more so the practical rather than the creative type. You find it easier, and more immediately satisfying, to get your affairs in order. Things fall into place, especially if you do, or have done, the groundwork.

Also on Wednesday

Stimulating or Attacking Feelings - Protecting Your Space

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Moon from 23rd to 27th February 2022. Exact 26th February


The feelings that you have been sitting on need to come to the surface now. So feeling irritable, or fit to burst, is quite likely. This is a natural safety valve urging you to unload negative feelings such as anger or resentment, and especially those that concern your family and figures, or events, from your past. Being 'reasonable' at this time would be missing the point, because being supposedly abiding and well-behaved is what made you swallow your true feelings in the first place. So 'cough up the bile' and all concerned will feel the healthier and more secure for it eventually. It is very important now to make it clear how you feel, but to avoid unnecessary conflict, you must make the distinction between a feeling and who or what triggers off that feeling.

Thursday 24th February

Home Interests - Family Connections - Knowing Your Patch

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 26th February 2022. Exact 26th February

This is a time to take an interest in the home. Gatherings that exercise the mind in the family sphere are well starred. Bringing work home could be an issue - for good or ill. Getting in touch with your roots could be very stimulating, and maybe answer a question.

Also on Thursday

Emotional Discomfort - Discord with/between Females - Let It Be

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 24th to 28th February 2022. Exact 27th February

This need not necessarily be a difficult time - it can in fact turn out to be quite pleasurable. However, there is an inclination for social and domestic needs to get in the way of one another. This can also include disharmony on the home front, conflict between mother and lover, or being too accommodating and having to pay the price. Inherent in all this though, is a need for peace, so that upsets are usually righted quite soon afterwards. Feelings and values may clash, but the requirements of security and harmony eventually hold sway.

Friday 25th February

Loving Words - Artistic Expression - The Art of Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 25th to 28th February 2022. Exact 27th February

You know what pleases now - be it for yourself or someone else. At the same time, you know what doesn't please! All this gives you a good sense of what appeals or sells, so this is an excellent time for putting together anything that you want to go down well. Art, public relations, discussion, performing, charm and amusement - these are some of the things the positive expression, or experience, of which are at your fingertips right now. If you wish to make known what's on your mind in an appreciable or agreeable way - do it now.

Sunday 27th February

Acting Selflessly - Relaxed Inactivity

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

This influence can be almost unnoticeable because the desires 'to act' and 'to do nothing' coincide. So, deliberately doing nothing in the form of relaxing or withdrawing to contemplate what you (and it) are all about is recommended. It can also be a good idea to do something that helps others achieve ends that have little to do with your own. In fact, anything that your ego would normally get in the way of may now be healthily embarked upon.

Also on Sunday

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th February 2022 to 3rd March 2022. Exact 2nd March

Any feelings or ideas regarding love, sex, music or art - or social life generally - are now nicely attuned to your ideals and visions of a better life. None of this is particularly dynamic, but this gentle, almost 'hippie' type, influence can be very enjoyable. This is a good time to put aside for any pursuit or pastime that comes into these categories.

Monday 28th February

Sharp Mind - Agitated Mind - Busy at Work - Criticism

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 28th February 2022 to 2nd March 2022. Exact 1st March

Your mental processes are to the fore right now, so your usual manner of thinking and of verbally interacting, are highly noticeable - for good or ill. You could find yourself being on the ball and very efficient, or alternatively, fretting and fussing as you strive to impose logical order on to all you are involved with. Then again, you may find someone else doing this to you and get very irritated. It should be clear what state your mental powers are in right now. Interactions with others in your area, or local environmental issues, could now prove significant.

Forecast for March 2022

Tuesday 1st March

Happy Birthday! - It's My Life and I'll Be What I Want To Be

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Sun from 1st to 4th March 2022. Exact 3rd March

This is your astrological birthday, which coincides, more or less, with your calendar birthday. By rights, you should feel very much yourself right now. Whatever you feel you currently are, or are trying to be, finds some kind of focus, and what you do and feel now is in a subtle way the 'seed' of your year to come. So experience this time for what it is, enjoy it for what it is, and try to invest these few days with the essence of what you are and want to be. Remember yourself, bearing in mind that whatever comes through or across during this time is a microcosm of the next twelve months.

Also on Tuesday

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th March 2022. Exact 3rd March

There is a sparkle to sexual, social or creative activities. A certain type of freeness pervades your involvements that can give rise to new forms of pleasure or expression, exciting contacts and new groups of people. A good time to get out and experiment with life and society, to see what it has on offer. Gatherings go with a swing, people show their more original or quirky sides.

Also on Tuesday

Acting Intuitively - Refreshing Influences - Who Dares Wins

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Uranus from 1st to 4th March 2022. Exact 3rd March

This is an excellent time for 'unusual acts' - like doing something that you wouldn't normally do for fear of rocking the boat, embarrassment, etc. The effect of such an act can be astounding, because in time it may be seen that such intuitive spontaneity has opened up a pathway into the future that could not have happened otherwise. So, you are now more likely to act on a whim, or take more of a risk, than you would as a rule.

Friday 4th March

Contacting Feelings - Easy Conversation - Interest and Sympathy

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 4th to 6th March 2022. Exact 6th March

Things are more likely to fall into place now because you have a greater than usual sense of give and take. You talk, but also listen, and vice versa. Enquiry is met with relevant response. Allowed to run on like this, this period can become very stimulating and informative, both emotionally and intellectually. Any intercommunications, personal or business, are highlighted at this time.

Saturday 5th March

Appearance Versus Circumstances - Love The One You're With

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 5th to 8th March 2022. Exact 7th March

Venus' trickier ways can dog you now if you are not aware of them. For instance, this means that someone can catch your eye and come to compromise you later. Or, your partner can appear to have not as much going for them as you think you'd like. The situation could be reversed, in both cases. In other words, do not be fooled by looks or style now; stick to the main plot.

Also on Saturday

Conflict in the Air - Fighting for Independence

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Ascendant from 5th to 9th March 2022. Exact 7th March


You are not the easiest person to be around just now, because being your own person is an important issue for you. So, others (especially intimates) are liable to bug you because you're so sensitive about not having anyone intrude upon your right to do things in your own way. Looked at more simply, you are having to assert yourself under pressure, so it's best to work alone if possible, and have a clear objective. Any repressed negative emotion such as resentment or anger is likely to come to the surface; so honestly express it, don't suppress it, or you could attract damage or illness.

Sunday 6th March

The Confused Mind - Deceptions or Misunderstandings

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 6th to 8th March 2022. Exact 7th March

Unless you're doing something of a creative, therapeutic, or entertaining nature at this time, you are possibly asking to attract absent-mindedness or strange, even paranoid, ideas. Crossed lines could also dog any form of communication. So, this is not a time to make any crucial decisions or broach delicate matters - either it just wouldn't come out right, or, what another says or does could be taken in the wrong way. Also, when you're out and about you may get lost in some way or other. Sitting back and watching the world go by, or taking in a film you know you're going to like, are a few ways of safely, even enjoyably, getting through this one.

Tuesday 8th March

Saying Too Much - Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 8th to 10th March 2022. Exact 9th March

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Wednesday 9th March

On The Ball - Getting Around Locally and/or Mentally

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 9th to 11th March 2022. Exact 10th March

Life is interesting and busy at this time. Useful contacts, stimulating people and subjects cross your path. If you have to look anyone or anything up, you're more likely than usual to make the right connections, possess good timing. You could also receive a significant communication, or the even the one you've been waiting for; especially if there are other activities occurring that indicate positive events.

Thursday 10th March

Experiencing Power: Degeneration or Regeneration

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th March 2022. Exact 12th March

The underlying fact of life that everything is born, evolves, decays, dies and is born again, now enters your consciousness - in some way, great or small. The opportunity to tune into this cycle of birth and rebirth is well worth taking up, because it gives you a glimpse of the fact that you are a vital part of this cycle. As such, you may sense what is profound and powerful in you and your life, or what is wasteful and degenerate - but you will probably have to peer or delve some way beneath surface appearances in order to do so. You may also encounter manipulators of this power - be they benign or malignant. It could well become necessary for you to let go of decadent elements, and strive towards regenerative ones.

Tuesday 15th March

Going With The Flow - Attuned To Spirit - Creativity and Entertainment

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 15th to 18th March 2022. Exact 17th March

This is a fine, subtle influence, which you could miss unless you are alive to the unseen, mystical or imaginative elements of life and your personality. Any kind of creative or spiritual pursuit - either active or passive - is propitious under this planetary effect. You are more attuned to subtle and emotional vibrations than usual, and possibly sense that struggling with issues only prolongs or complicates them. An enjoyable time listening to, or playing music, communing with Nature, or any activity involving the sea, are some of the possibilities right now.

Wednesday 16th March

Connected to Your Life - The Thinking Heart - Wired

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Sun from 16th to 18th March 2022. Exact 17th March

You feel 'wired in' to what is most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. If you start feeling a bit overwrought, then take few deep breaths - or better still - do some breathing exercises. If you are prone to insomnia, this influence could exacerbate it, because you're more than usually inclined to working everything out in your head. As your mind and ego are kind of hooked up together now, try not to blurt out the first thing that comes into your head since you may regret it. For the same reason, for maximum mental harmony, keep your mind focused only upon serious issues, or paradoxically, upon humorous ones.

Also on Wednesday

Highlighting Uniqueness and Individuality - Expect the Unexpected

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Uranus from 16th to 19th March 2022. Exact 18th March

How you experience this influence has everything to do with how in touch you are with what is special about life in general and yourself in particular. If you have allowed your life to become too routine and predictable, then something (or someone) could appear on the scene to give you a shock or a jolt, or at least remind you that the world is a wild and extraordinary place. Alternatively, you could be the one to shock others by revealing what is rebellious or highly original about you. Why not make this a date with the unexpected by doing something you'd never normally do? Then, with the element of surprise on your side, there's no telling what new ideas or vistas could open up in front of you!

Also on Wednesday

Love And Sex - Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 16th to 19th March 2022. Exact 18th March

This should go down in your diary as a time to have a good time socially, sexually or romantically - maybe all three! You are at your best with respect to these areas of your life and personality, so opportunity beckons. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else. There should be signs right now - big or small - that it is good to be alive.

Also on Wednesday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 16th to 19th March 2022. Exact 18th March

This brings a period of relative stability in your love life, social involvements or financial affairs. What comprises such is now shown to you, so you can take stock of whatever that is and use it to build and secure these areas for the future. You are now more inclined to be economical and dutiful, without it feeling like a wet blanket. Partners are also inclined towards being more responsible and mature at present.

Friday 18th March

Charity Begins At Home - Domestic Harmony - Loving Family

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 18th to 21st March 2022. Exact 20th March

This is a good time to be with your family or whoever you live with. It is also propitious for any home improvement or any creative activity in your home. If there has been any conflict or disharmony in the family, now is the time to make peace. Sentiment and nostalgia could be to the fore, and very pleasurable - but don't overdo this or it could have an ultimately undesirable effect.

Saturday 19th March

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Focused - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 19th to 22nd March 2022. Exact 21st March

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that at times you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Also on Saturday

Disciplined Activity - Concentrated Energy - Steady Work

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Saturn from 19th to 22nd March 2022. Exact 21st March

This period is good for getting down to those tasks that require effort, but that are not very exciting. This is because you are now naturally inclined to plod on in an uncomplaining fashion, simply being satisfied in the knowledge that a necessary job is being well done. Painstaking work can be undertaken because you are not so easily interrupted or side-tracked.

Also on Saturday

Easy Self-Assertion - Stimulating Confidence - Winning Ways

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 19th to 22nd March 2022. Exact 21st March

If you wish to start (or re-start) anything, then now is the time. Unless you have more inhibiting factors at present, you are able to impress both yourself and others with your 'get up and go'. And if you are normally somewhat reluctant to assert yourself, then know that Mars is giving you a green light to do so. The most constructive form of activity is physical, because you simply enjoy the fact that you have a body. All in all though, you can get a lot done now - be it work or play, physical or mental.

Monday 21st March

Sleuthing It - Mental Preoccupation - Disturbing Undercurrents

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd March 2022. Exact 22nd March

Whatever rouses you, or demands your complete attention, is going to appear on the scene now. This could be in the form of a letter, a conversation, a book, or even an old question or feeling that pops to the surface to be looked into. Things that involve a mystery, like a whodunit, can really grab you at this time. Crime, the underworld, or the seamy side of life can also suck you in - but probably only on a mental level - but watch it, all the same. Having to perform work that requires deep concentration is very possible.

Also on Monday

Domestic Activity or Conflict - Stimulating Memories, Good and Bad

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 24th March 2022. Exact 23rd March

Don't expect to cut much ice in the outside world right now, because you are presently having to deal with situations close to home that make it hard for you to act confidently and independently at work, or on the social scene. This time is for applying energy to personal or domestic matters. Clearing out a neglected room or closet - be it in your actual abode or your mind - would be a suitable way of expressing yourself now. DIY is another way, but be careful with sharp objects.

Tuesday 22nd March

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception - Eye for Value

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 22nd to 25th March 2022. Exact 24th March

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Wednesday 23th March

Physical Attraction - Beauty in Action - Love/Sex Balance

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Venus from 23rd to 26th March 2022. Exact 25th March


You now experience a sharpening of your sense of what does, or does not, please. This is most likely to occur in the realm of personal relationships, with you feeling the need for a physical show of love. This in turn could find you attracting (or being attracted to) someone, or feeling frustrated at no-one being available. If you have an ongoing intimate relationship, this would be a time for the erotic. In any event, you may have to find the right balance between making love and having sex, between courtship and seduction, tenderness and desire. Also at this time, any art forms that involve movement - like drama, dance, live music, etc - are highlighted or intensified.

Thursday 24th March

Scattered Thoughts - Stuck For Words - Indiscretion - Crossed Lines

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 24th to 26th March 2022. Exact 26th March

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Also on Thursday

The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 24th to 26th March 2022. Exact 25th March

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Sunday 27th March

Argument or Hot Debate - Nervous Excitement or Exhaustion

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 27th to 31st March 2022. Exact 29th March


If it's going to be said at all, it's going to be said now - with some force. This, in turn, will help make decisions concerning issues that have been hanging in the balance. If you still manage to sit on the fence, expect to get pushed off. In other words, keeping a lid on it will attract tension release in some other area - like speeding in your car, acute irritability, or physical weak spots playing up. Now is the time when you can, or have to, really get your mental teeth into an issue - or it will get its teeth into you!

Tuesday 29th March

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 29th to 31st March 2022. Exact 31st March

This is a very 'female' influence in that you are inclined to use charm and receptivity rather than drive and ambition. If you are usually disposed towards making things happen, you would now be wise to let them happen as they will, because in this way the easiest solution or most attractive outcome will ensue. Any pursuits that require grace, diplomacy or artistic imagination, or occasions like domestic or family gatherings and parties are highlighted at this time.

Wednesday 30th March

Highlighting Personal Drive, Sex Life, Courage and Decisiveness

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mars from 30th March 2022 to 2nd April 2022. Exact 1st April


Mars is symbolic of that force within and around you which makes it possible to go for, and get something or someone; it also represents the urge and the right to do so. How good, bad or indifferent you are when it comes to expressing your Mars qualities is currently an issue. Being active, independent, forthright or bold now, is a sign that you know what you are after, and how and when to act. Experiencing anger, abusiveness or excessive use of force (either in yourself or another), would be a sign that you need to look at what you yourself are angry about, at what you want, and at what you must do in order to obtain it, or so that you no longer want it.

Also on Wednesday

Highlighting Status and Responsibilities, Caution and Doubts

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 30th March 2022 to 2nd April 2022. Exact 1st April

This period doesn't exactly find you in a party mood, but it does put you in a sober frame of mind that should enable you to get down to identifying what is (and what is not) required of you, and what is blocking your progress or view. The main trouble is that the pressure will be upon you to do just this. It is attempting to duck your responsibilities that would give you a hard time. Equally though, the thanklessness of tasks done out of a blind sense of duty, or born of fear, also shows up now. Even though this period lasts only a few days, time passes slowly, so use it to reflect coolly and carefully upon your position in life, without feeling panicky or depressed about it. Notwithstanding what else is indicated at present, the time to act comes later, after having made your purpose and obligation clearer.

Thursday 31st March

Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 31st March 2022 to 2nd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

How you experience this influence very much depends upon how sure you are of asserting yourself generally. If such can be a weak point for you, then now you're likely not to speak out when you should do, or to say what was best left unsaid, or, to say it awkwardly or apparently arrogantly. It's as if everything has bells on, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. Conversely, if you are usually good at asserting yourself, then now you'll do so even more effectively and eloquently. In both cases, however, there is a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret - so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter.

Also on Thursday

Getting Down To It - Ordered Thinking and Speaking - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 31st March 2022 to 2nd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time. It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Also on Thursday

Love's Illusions - Precarious Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

The most romantic and ideal, but equally the most fanciful and illusory, experiences can come your way now. You are more inclined to fall in love or lust, or to be made a fool of, for that matter. A more reliable expression, or use, of this influence is to involve yourself with some creative work, have a special time out with someone you have genuine love feelings for, or simply take in a good movie.

A new relationship can arise under this influence - but remember that 'under the influence' can be all that it amounts to unless you have at least one foot on the ground. Platonic involvements are quite likely - or they turn out to be! Be that as it may, this can promise to be a pleasurable, if rather heady, time. All of the above could equally just take place in your head. On a more mundane note, you could find just the item you were after, or thought you were! Very much a 'what's real?' type of time, so do not take anything at face value - be it exciting or depressing.

Also on Thursday

Career Advances or Opportunities - Managing Home and Business

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 31st March 2022 to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

At this time you feel more able to see a balance or connection between who you are in public and who you are in private. Examples of this could be bringing a colleague home, or introducing a family member to the way you work. Also, if you have been paying too much attention to one area and not enough to the other, you can now see how to accomplish this, and begin to do so.

Forecast for April 2022

Friday 1st April

Home and Business Connections - Knowing Your Pitch

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 3rd April 2022. Exact 2nd April

You now see clearly how your home and working life are dependent upon each other, and are able to balance your interests and investments in these respects. Getting private and professional figures and concerns to co-operate comes easier now. You see the whole picture and can manage 'you and yours' more efficiently.

Saturday 2nd April

Loving Words - Artistic Expression - The Art of Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 2nd to 4th April 2022. Exact 3rd April

You know what pleases now - be it for yourself or someone else. At the same time, you know what doesn't please! All this gives you a good sense of what appeals or sells, so this is an excellent time for putting together anything that you want to go down well. Art, public relations, discussion, performing, charm and amusement - these are some of the things the positive expression, or experience, of which are at your fingertips right now. If you wish to make known what's on your mind in an appreciable or agreeable way - do it now.

Also on Saturday

Being In Tune - Social Harmony - Making The Peace

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 2nd to 5th April 2022. Exact 4th April

Things are promising socially right now, and if there is a love interest, then you can be fairly sure that, if things are going to go your way at all, they will do so now. Making amends, launching any social event, being artistically creative or entertained - these are all liable to go with a swing at this time.

Sunday 3rd April

Flow of Communication - Working and Thinking Well - Connected

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 3rd to 5th April 2022. Exact 5th April

All Mercurial activities, such as mental or manual work, studying, communications, travel, contact making, etc., are highlighted now. You are generally on good form intellectually, and seem to pick the right moment to make that call, the right way to say something, and to put your finger on the easiest solution. Co-operative ventures and interactions with those who live nearby (or siblings) are also well starred.

Also on Sunday

Overdoing It - Pleasure Versus Morality - Overspending

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 3rd to 5th April 2022. Exact 5th April

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what. You feel luckier than at other times - but that feeling will very likely prove thoroughly unreliable! Any kind of promise now, made by you or to you, could also prove hard to keep, so a bit of caution and a pinch of salt is required at present.

Monday 4th April

Attractive Presentation - Working To Please - Social Investments

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 4th to 7th April 2022. Exact 6th April

This is an excellent time to be seen in your best light. Making presentations, performing, making a play for someone or something, even going down on bended knee - these are all highlighted under this influence. Generally, others are glad to have you around, and the feeling will probably be mutual.

Also on Monday

Strong Feelings - Spontaneous Actions - Feeling Vibrant

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 4th to 8th April 2022. Exact 7th April

At present you experience a natural flow of energy into whatever pursuits further your needs. So, any activity that requires lively responses or consistent emotions, such as a challenging task or satisfying a desire, is well-starred right now. Also, you are able to stand your ground without appearing guarded and unsure of yourself. Your current emotional state is likely to attract the very people or events that give you the feeling of being alive and going somewhere.

Tuesday 5th April

Working Well - Being On The Case - Making Contacts and Connections

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 5th to 8th April 2022. Exact 7th April

You work and communicate well now, and are generally on the ball with respect to any matters that relate to the daily business of living. You also have a better sense of the pros and cons of how you normally go about such things, giving you the opportunity to correct poor attitudes or methods, and to make the most of, or improve upon, the good ones.

Wednesday 6th April

Communicating Feelings - Good Memory

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Moon from 6th to 8th April 2022. Exact 8th April

The everyday pace and occurrences of life now take on an extra importance. You therefore devote more time to domestic issues and possibly get around your locale more than usual. Time could be wasted with gossiping and small talk - but then again, it might be the very thing that makes you feel in tune with your immediate environment. You are more mentally in touch with your feelings at this time, so you may learn a lot on this front, as well as making it clear to others how you feel, and conversely, receiving from them how they feel. Saying too much could be something to watch out for.

Friday 8th April

Stimulating Sensitivity - Acting Compassionately or Unwisely

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Neptune from 8th to 11th April 2022. Exact 10th April


This could be a low energy phase for you when the harsher elements of the outside world, be they in the form of anything from insensitive people to a virus, can get the better of you. You may feel strange and out of step - sexual frustration is likely too. 'Sod's Law' prevails, so count to ten, think three times, and be on your guard against being taken advantage of. So be gentle with yourself and others, keep to the line of least resistance, and let any possibly disheartening influence wash over you, because it shouldn't last long. By the same token though, this also gives you the opportunity to identify what your soft or blind spots are. In any event, be as honest and straightforward as you can, because any deceitfulness on your part that stems from the past could surface all too easily at present. The best prescription for handling this rather peculiar period is to use your energies in a helpful, selfless or inspiring manner.

Saturday 9th April

Seeing the Whole - Getting a Plan - Philosophical Thinking

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th April 2022. Exact 10th April

Preparation and furtherance are the allies available to you at present. Having all the facts at your fingertips, seeing how the general fits in with the particular, linking the local to the global, the everyday to the profound - perceptions like these now come more easily to you, allowing you to put forward, create or resolve whatever issues are in front of you. Whether it's finding the meaning of things, or translating one thing into another, your deductive mind and intuitive mind are now working in concert. Now is the time when you can accurately get the picture; or be put in it.

Sunday 10th April

Intellectual Encounters - Therapy - Criticism From Others

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 10th to 12th April 2022. Exact 11th April

You now receive mental (or verbal) feedback concerning the way you come across; getting to know what others make of you - be it good or bad. You could come across someone or something that is very stimulating intellectually. If you want a reliable sounding board, now is the time to find one - but make sure you listen.

Tuesday 12th April

Highlighting Emotions - Starting Out or Over - Enlivening Feelings

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Moon from 12th to 15th April 2022. Exact 14th April

This is a good time to make it clearer to yourself and/or others what the emotional score is. It could also be the beginning of a new and fresh way of relating. Depending on your usual emotional disposition, you feel more 'keyed up' on a feeling level. If you wish to receive something helpful or advantageous, then put yourself in line for it now, because you are likely to get a good result.

Also on Tuesday

Stimulating or Attacking Beliefs - Exuberance - Over-Confidence

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Jupiter from 12th to 15th April 2022. Exact 14th April


You should feel quite robust while this period lasts; but this can mean anything from your being a tower of strength that inspires others with your faith and optimism, to your blowing a fuse as a result of excessive activity or expectations. What this period basically supplies you with is enough conviction to get things going or state your case. But once this has been achieved, you should then adopt a more modest style, thereby ensuring further success, and avoiding an over-stretching of your resources, or colliding with a greater force.

Thursday 14th April

Easy Self-Assertion - Energy Flows Forth

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Ascendant from 14th to 17th April 2022. Exact 16th April

You should feel that the force is with you now - that is as long as there are not more inhibiting planetary influences around. So say what you want to say, do what you want to do, and go where you want to go. Somehow, others are more likely than usual to fall in with your desires; probably because you're more inclined to express and go for them in a confident and non-provocative way. All forms of physical activity are highlighted at this time.

Friday 15th April

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life Issues

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Sun from 15th to 17th April 2022. Exact 17th April

You can now have the classic Venusian experience of, or opportunity for love, romance, beauty, value or anything else that makes life worth living. It is also a good time to go out or get down to finding such things. On the other hand, what happens is that the level and quality of romantic or social involvement in your life is now apparent and intensified.

The effect can therefore be anything from having a really good time to feeling in need of having a good time, from looking good to feeling how uphill it is trying to look good, from experiencing love and life as sweet and fulfilling to feeling that everything is superficial and of little value.

A purchase can be just what you wanted or turn out later to be an indulgent waste of money. In the end, Venus is about finding love, beauty and value in whatever circumstances you are in, and not fretting after something that is missing or wanting. Stop wanting and start having; stop craving and start giving. And beauty is only skin deep if that is only as far as you look!

Also on Friday

Easy Communication - Getting Work Done

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 15th to 17th April 2022. Exact 17th April

You feel 'wired in' to what's most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. You are more able to co-ordinate your efforts and deliberations with those of other people at this time, so coming to agreements, and getting good work done on a co-operative basis, are strongly highlighted. Travel arrangements and making connections are far more likely to go smoothly too.

Saturday 16th April

Bad Connections at Home or at Work

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 16th to 18th April 2022. Exact 17th April

Your private and public lives tend to get in the way of one another at this time. Try to create a balance here, and avoid feeling frustrated if nothing seems to gel or if things become unstuck, because this influence is brief as a rule.

Sunday 17th April

Positive Thinking - Knowing The Plan - Goodwill - Luck

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th April 2022. Exact 19th April

You are in a good frame of mind now as you're in touch with the better sides of your life and personality. It's as if you can see how you fit in with the greater whole; you feel that everything is for the best, and you have some sense of how things will pan out alright. So, with anything that is particularly oiled by having Lady Luck on your side, now is a good time to go for it - notwithstanding other influences to the contrary. You are also quite likely to encounter positive and encouraging people at this time.

Also on Sunday

Not Saying or Seeing It Right - The Need for Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 17th to 19th April 2022. Exact 18th April

This is a time when logical thought is at odds with the emotional, or aesthetic, side of life. Not seeing eye-to-eye with a member of the opposite sex is highly likely, because one of you wants to make sense of things, while the other wants to feel right about something. One of you might want to talk, while the other wants to experience affection or sensual pleasure. None of this poses a big problem - unless you let it - because this is just a passing phase, a time when you are out of 'sync' with whoever is close to you.

It's also a time when work issues can get in the way of personal ones, or vice versa, so avoid mixing business with pleasure. If you already have been doing so, then this could prove an awkward time for you. Sorting out love problems is quite likely, and desirable too. But be wary of the above described inclination to speak in different 'languages' to one another. Try to meet each other half way - it's the only way at present.

Monday 18th April

Disagreement - Nervous Energy - The Devil Makes Work For Idle Hands

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 18th to 21st April 2022. Exact 20th April

Irritation, a lack of relevance, bad communication, work setbacks, inappropriate thinking - these are some of the things that could dog you at present. To avoid such frustrations, or simply feeling at a loose end, find an optimum environment for getting down to what has to be done. This could well mean working on your own somewhere, or keeping intrusions down to a minimum in some other way.

All forms of communication could become a nuisance, or be unreliable, with the proverbial wires getting crossed. Again, seek to lessen difficulties by avoiding having to make important decisions dependent upon making a specific contact or travel connection. Look for a more suitable time for such activities.

Tuesday 19th April

Highlighting Relationship Issues - Acceding To Others

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Ascendant from 19th to 22nd April 2022. Exact 21st April

The solar spotlight is now upon your relationships, or social life in general. Quite what certain others mean and are doing in your life becomes clearer now - so, pay attention! Significant others will appear even more significant, and what (or who) does not matter will be obvious - or it should be. Alternatively, or additionally, someone important could now enter your life, especially if there are other more longstanding influences occurring, which indicate such an encounter.

Thursday 21st April

Sleuthing It - Powerful Words and Thoughts - Deep Study

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 21st to 23rd April 2022. Exact 23rd April

If you have a job to do that requires your undivided attention; do it now. Not only is your mind on relatively good form, and can work into the night, you are also in the frame of mind where you can repel any interference powerfully, even ruthlessly, if need be. You know that you have to see whatever it is through, no matter what.

Saturday 23th April

Deep or Obsessive Love - Powerful Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 23rd to 26th April 2022. Exact 25th April

You find you feel deeply for someone or something, or that you want to, or that you cannot get someone or something out of your system. In any event, you are experiencing the depth and power of love or attraction - and what you do with it is down to your deepest values. Such a feeling can actually turn up as someone who you feel strongly drawn to. It may or may not be mutual, it all depends upon that deeper state of your emotional being - is it attracting or repelling.

There is a 'Beauty and the Beast' quality to this influence, in that you could experience one or both of these extremes, with someone else on the other end, so to speak. The gulf between what is regarded as appealing and presentable as against what usually has to hide its face, feel anti-social, is a possibility now.

The trick is to go deep but not too deep, to appreciate face values, but not regard them as the entire picture. Be on your guard against being manipulated - value yourself above all else - or of manipulating someone yourself, because you would only entrench yourself or get more than you bargained for. Possessiveness and jealousy can rear their heads now, which has something to do with being more in touch with what does, and does not, constitute genuine love.

Sunday 24th April

The Inspired or Confused Mind - Deceptions or Misunderstandings

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Neptune from 24th to 27th April 2022. Exact 26th April

Unless you're doing something of a creative, therapeutic, or entertaining nature at this time, you are possibly asking to attract absent-mindedness or strange, even paranoid, ideas. Crossed lines could also dog any form of communication. So, this is not a time to make any crucial decisions or broach delicate matters - either it just wouldn't come out right, or, what another says or does could be taken in the wrong way. Also, when you're out and about you may get lost in some way or other. Sitting back and watching the world go by, or taking in a film you know you're going to like, are a few ways of safely, even enjoyably, getting through this one.

Monday 25th April

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 25th to 28th April 2022. Exact 27th April

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Wednesday 27th April

Saying Too Much - Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 27th to 30th April 2022. Exact 29th April

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Also on Wednesday

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 27th to 30th April 2022. Exact 29th April

Any feelings or ideas regarding love, sex, music or art - or social life generally - are now nicely attuned to your ideals and visions of a better life. None of this is particularly dynamic, but this gentle, almost 'hippie' type, influence can be very enjoyable. This is a good time to put aside for any pursuit or pastime that comes into these categories.

Thursday 28th April

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Possible Alienation

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 28th April 2022 to 1st May 2022. Exact 30th April

Whatever is out of the ordinary regarding sexual, social, creative or romantic involvements can appear out of the blue now. By the very nature of this influence it is hard to say what will happen. For the same reason, it is best not to put too much store by whatever does, because it will most probably be a flash-in-the-pan kind of occurrence. Experimental, shocking or odd - whatever happens now can be anything from extremely exciting to somehow detached - or both even.

This influence can trigger the start of an exciting relationship, but it does not predict which way it will go, because the only assurances as far as Uranus is concerned are that you can expect the unexpected, be ready to be woken up to something new. Significant coincidences can happen now, trying to tell you something about how love and life tick. Sudden attractions and/or breaks in relationships can also occur.

Friday 29th April

Stimulating or Challenging Your Ego - High Energy - Anger or Drive

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Sun from 29th April 2022 to 2nd May 2022. Exact 1st May


Finding a suitable and effective outlet for your energies is the main issue at present. This probably means expressing yourself physically as well as mentally. So, if there is something you have to do that needs a definite degree of forcefulness, then now is the time to go for it. But this is also a time when you can arouse or be aroused to anger or arrogance. This could be just right for clearing the air or making a breakthrough, but watch out for over-reactions, because they could lead to damage. This is a 'hot' period, and can set things off easily. It is up to you whether it is for good or ill.

Saturday 30th April

Smooth Running - Opening Doors - No Worries

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 30th April 2022 to 3rd May 2022. Exact 2nd May

You are 'in sync' with life today - at least, in the context of whatever else is going on for you astrologically at this time. So now is when you can gain co-operation from others, and be generally in tune and in gear. You could also receive assistance from someone; someone who possibly has power or authority.

Forecast for May 2022

Sunday 1st May

Private Life/Public Life Balance - Parental Conflicts

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 4th May 2022. Exact 3rd May

Try and meet both personal and business obligations equally, even though everything will be coming at you from all sides. This only lasts a few days, so don't over-react to difficulties and thereby make things as bad as they momentarily appear to be.

Monday 2nd May

Highlighting Love Life, Pleasure, Material and Social Values

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 2nd to 5th May 2022. Exact 4th May

What shows now is the 'state of the art'. In other words, whatever you are doing, or not doing, with regard to filling your own and others' lives with some love and beauty is brought to your attention. So such areas as relationships, arts and crafts, social activities, buying and spending, or things that add a sweetness to life are presently to the fore. Positively, this can take the form of generosity, a love encounter, a party, a general sense of happiness, or anything that helps to make life attractive and more worth living. Negatively, finding yourself being mean, lonely, indulgent, excessive, vain or superficial would point to the fact that a genuine sense of worth, and the ability to give or receive love, is somewhat lacking in your life.

Friday 6th May

State of Mind - Stimulating Interests - Highlighting Anxieties

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 6th to 9th May 2022. Exact 8th May

Life's spotlight is focused upon the way you think and perceive things now. So, this can mean many things, depending upon what you have currently been doing with your mental faculties, or to your nervous system. Studying, planning, reading, short distance travel, making conversation, arguing the point, gossiping, worrying, or just plain thinking - these are some examples of Mercurial activities that are presently being intensified. This means that more energy is available to you for putting into one or more of these situations, or that you should learn to slow down, trust, think and talk a little less, and listen and feel more.

Tuesday 10th May

Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mars from 10th to 13th May 2022. Exact 12th May

You are very much in the mood for sexual and/or romantic experience, or simply to feel socially alive. Depending upon your temperament and availability, such an experience, or at least the opportunity for it, could arise right now, or, it would be a good time to plan for such an occasion, or, failing all of these, it could be a time of frustration if these matters have been put on the backburner.

Then again from out of the blue could come an experience that kind of pleasurably highlights the current state of affairs in your love/sex/social life - even precipitating you into an affair or relationship. All in all though, this has the potential for an enjoyable and exciting time. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else.

Also on Tuesday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 10th to 13th May 2022. Exact 12th May

You experience the serious or very real side of love and social involvement now. This is not a time for having fun and letting your hair down, so do not plan for this or get frustrated trying to make it so. More than likely your partner or people in general will come across as sober and responsible now - or in need of such qualities. If you are not with anyone, you can feel more alone than usual, or if you are prepared to take a serious rather than cynical look, you can get the measure of why you are unattached.

If this is truly not an issue under this influence, then you can probably congratulate yourself on being genuinely self-sufficient. By and large though, this period is inclined to show up the warts and weaknesses in your love and social life, including the pressure to do something about it. In any event, this means being emotionally mature and responsible and doing what has to done, even though it is difficult. In time, such commitment will prove to be well worth it. On a financial level, you may well have to read the writing on the wall here instead, or as well, getting real about money being the call of the day.

Also on Tuesday

Repairs and Regeneration - Getting to the Bottom of It - Power Assist

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th May 2022. Exact 12th May

This is a good time to start any regimen, to turn things around, to eliminate anything that has been bothering you, or simply to put what's wrong right. You feel a power coursing through you, but it is a gentle and sure power - not one that is insisting you express it no matter what. Your powers of concentration, and your stamina - be it physical, mental or emotional - are stronger than usual, so any demanding activity is better pursued at this time.

Wednesday 11th May

Triggering Fate - Stimulating Powerful Urges

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Pluto from 11th to 15th May 2022. Exact 13th May

Hot and Heavy!

This can spark off things that have a long-lasting effect, because you feel strongly about anything that is currently happening to you, and so you are liable to act upon it. For example, this could involve a sexual encounter that has a deep affect upon you, or an intense meeting or conflict with someone, or anything that really gets to you - possibly in an obsessive way. Your 'gun' is 'loaded' right now, so be careful where you point it. Stay away from any areas that are potentially violent or dangerous. Using this sense of power that you currently feel can be very effective if used wisely, or quite damaging if used in a mean, manipulative or unaware fashion.

Thursday 12th May

All The World Loves A Lover - Attracting Status - Finding Approval

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 12th to 14th May 2022. Exact 13th May

This is a mild influence that should help you to use your skills to blend your working and private life, to get one to serve the other. Any artistic or creative flair or project can now gain support from both official and personal spheres.

Friday 13th May

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Enhanced - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 13th to 16th May 2022. Exact 15th May

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that at times you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Sunday 15th May

Highlighting Sensitivity - Idealism/Escapism - Compassion/Weaknesses

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Neptune from 15th to 18th May 2022. Exact 17th May

What is brought to light now is something that has been happening outside of your conscious awareness, or has been kept out of sight. Obviously this can mean any number of things, for example: finding out something that's been going on behind your back, or discovering a mysterious dimension of reality you only ever dreamt of; becoming conscious of the fact that you identify more closely with certain others and their hopes and fears, or weak spots being exposed in yourself or others. In any event, it is important that you keep a firm grip on reality, yet, at the same time, remain open to fact or notion that we are all mysteriously united in some way. Generally speaking, your ego is less resilient than usual, so take a back seat and watch life's picture show if you don't feel up to starring in it. Also, be extra careful with drink or drugs because highs and lows are presently very interchangeable.

Monday 16th May

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 16th to 18th May 2022. Exact 18th May

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Also on Monday

Waking up to The Truth - Light upon The Future - The New and Unusual

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 16th to 19th May 2022. Exact 18th May

Whatever else may be going on in your life, this influence helps you to see it as part of a greater pattern or long term process of development. You also gain insights into what is unique about yourself, and others too - and you begin to appreciate more what freedom actually means. Additionally, this is a good time to involve yourself with subjects that take a greater overview of life, like science and technology, astronomy, astrology, psychology, etc.

Wednesday 18th May

Highlighting Expansiveness and Faith - A Sense of Greatness

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 18th to 21st May 2022. Exact 20th May

Whatever it is that you are like normally, now you are more so! Essentially, you are experiencing an urge to grow beyond yourself, and to understand matters in a more comprehensive and philosophical way. So, if you do have something of this nature in mind, then now is the time to make it (begin to) happen. But what you allow yourself, and others, to do or be, has everything to do with your moral viewpoint, which is presently a vital issue. So for a more rewarding life, now and in the future, you would be wise to cultivate an optimistic and big hearted attitude, and to be mindful that biting off more than you can chew, or making empty promises, is a sure sign that you are pretending to be larger than life, rather than actually being as large as life.

Also on Wednesday

Acting Selflessly - Relaxed Inactivity

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Neptune from 18th to 21st May 2022. Exact 20th May

This influence can be almost unnoticeable because the desires 'to act' and 'to do nothing' coincide. So, deliberately doing nothing in the form of relaxing or withdrawing to contemplate what you (and it) are all about is recommended. It can also be a good idea to do something that helps others achieve ends that have little to do with your own. In fact, anything that your ego would normally get in the way of may now be healthily embarked upon.

Thursday 19th May

Asserting Individuality - Provoking The Unexpected

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Uranus from 19th to 23rd May 2022. Exact 22nd May


A time to discover your freedom 'to be' and find out who you really are. You are now sharply made aware of this freedom; whether you think you want it or not! So, you could find yourself feeling restless, uncomfortably restricted, or easily agitated by others' expectations of you. You need the space to be yourself. The more that you understand this, then the freer you will feel to do your own thing, or start something new, without feeling insecure because of having to break away from the norm. At the other extreme, if you suppress or are totally unaware of your need for freedom, then be ready for a shock that is in aid of waking you up to it - like an accident or someone close to you asserting their need for freedom.

Saturday 21st May

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 21st to 24th May 2022. Exact 23rd May

This is a classic time for peace and harmony. This is of course relative to whatever else is going on in your life astrologically, because this influence is quite gentle and not that dynamic. However, if you meet it halfway with the conscious intent to give and receive pleasure, then it can actually be a very lovely time. It particularly highlights any occasion that involves the female sex coming together. In fact, female power is in the ascendant now!

Also on Saturday


Saying Too Much - Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Jupiter from 21st to 26th May 2022. Exact 24th May

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Tuesday 24th May


Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Uranus from 24th to 29th May 2022. Exact 27th May

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Thursday 26th May

Love And Goodwill - Fun And Generosity - Joie De Vivre - Lady Luck

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 26th to 28th May 2022. Exact 28th May

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

Any activity that requires you to put out a good or generous vibe is best booked for now. You are luckier than at other times - but bear in mind that gambling can have an agenda all of its own so paradoxically, do not bet on it! It is better by far to see and experience this influence as a gift from the gods - but on the gods' terms. This means to say that there is something good in the air, but do not presume on it being 'good' in precisely the way you think you want it to mean. It is really an opportunity to find out what 'good' actually means.

Also on Thursday


The Inspired or Confused Mind - Deceptions or Misunderstandings

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal Neptune from 26th May 2022 to 9th June 2022. Exact 30th May

Unless you're doing something of a creative, therapeutic, or entertaining nature at this time, you are possibly asking to attract absent-mindedness or strange, even paranoid, ideas. Crossed lines could also dog any form of communication. So, this is not a time to make any crucial decisions or broach delicate matters - either it just wouldn't come out right, or, what another says or does could be taken in the wrong way. Also, when you're out and about you may get lost in some way or other. Sitting back and watching the world go by, or taking in a film you know you're going to like, are a few ways of safely, even enjoyably, getting through this one.

Friday 27th May

Love In The Air - Attractive Presentation - Social Pleasures

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 27th to 30th May 2022. Exact 29th May

You have a friendly, attractive aura now. So whatever it is you wish to attract, win over or simply make feel good, now is the time! You may well notice this by having someone attractive come your way. Venus being Venus however, there is no guarantee as to whether such an encounter is the real thing or just a tease. It all depends what you yourself are prone to right now. Make sure you are aware of your own worth and talent now, and do not lose yourself in someone else's apparent charms.

Monday 30th May

Getting Things Done - Healthy Self-Assertion - Feeling Fit

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th May 2022 to 2nd June 2022. Exact 1st June

Getting down to things, opening doors, launching yourself with energy and enthusiasm, attaining the object of your desires - these are some of the advantages of this influence. In proportion to your usual powers of self-assertion, asserting yourself in any way is in tune with the general way of things at present.

Also on Monday

A Sense of Order - Highlighting Discipline and Economy

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 30th May 2022 to 2nd June 2022. Exact 1st June

You should be functioning well over these few days, so it's a good time to get more systematic, devise a plan, or even embark upon some important undertaking - assuming other indications are not inauspicious. You are, at present, more than usually inclined to get down to what needs doing without being, or feeling, distracted by issues that do not bear directly on the job in hand. You are now more disposed towards structure and efficiency than you are towards whims or sentimentality.

Tuesday 31st May

Ego Conflicts - Me Versus The Rest - Cool It!

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 31st May 2022 to 4th June 2022. Exact 2nd June

This is not a time to see eye to eye with others, because you are confrontation prone; whether you like it or not! You can use this affect to get a reading of how you, and another, or the world in general, squares up to you but, by and large, it is best during these few days either to take the line of least resistance, or to soldier on if needs must.

Forecast for June 2022

Wednesday 1st June

Career Advances or Opportunities - Managing Home and Business

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 4th June 2022. Exact 3rd June

At this time you feel more able to see a balance or connection between who you are in public and who you are in private. Examples of this could be bringing a colleague home, or introducing a family member to the way you work. Also, if you have been paying too much attention to one area and not enough to the other, you can now see how to accomplish this, and begin to do so.

Friday 3rd June

Being In Tune - Social Harmony - Making The Peace

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 3rd to 6th June 2022. Exact 5th June

Things are promising socially right now, and if there is a love interest, then you can be fairly sure that, if things are going to go your way at all, they will do so now. Making amends, launching any social event, being artistically creative or entertained - these are all liable to go with a swing at this time.

Monday 6th June

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 6th to 9th June 2022. Exact 8th June

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also well-starred - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Also on Monday

Home/Work Conflicts - Spread A Little Happiness

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 6th to 9th June 2022. Exact 8th June

Love and social life are now inclined to get in the way of your professional or domestic concerns. A case of business and pleasure not mixing, you could say. This could just be a passing thing, or then again, it could be something more weighty and important making itself felt. Being diplomatic and as pleasant as possible to whoever you have dealings with is the best course now.

Also on Monday

Working Well - Being On The Case - Making Contacts and Connections

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 6th to 9th June 2022. Exact 8th June

You work and communicate well now, and are generally on the ball with respect to any matters that relate to the daily business of living. You also have a better sense of the pros and cons of how you normally go about such things, giving you the opportunity to correct poor attitudes or methods, and to make the most of, or improve upon, the good ones.

Also on Monday

Stimulating Assertiveness - Provoking Aggression - High Energy

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mars from 6th to 10th June 2022. Exact 9th June


You should be raring to go now, so it's important that you have some constructive outlet for such energies, or otherwise you'll feel wound up and easily agitated. Basically, you should do anything that makes you feel happy to be active and mobile. If for any reason this is not possible, try to identify inside of you what exactly it is that you want or wish to do. Generally, you now get a good idea of how decisive and forthright you currently are. In fact, any course of action that initiates, regenerates or merely continues any project is recommended at this point. However, be warned that working at something resentfully, or repressing and being totally unaware of any urge to act at all, would be asking for a backlash in the form an accident or aggression from someone else - or simply feeling drained.

Also on Monday

Inhibited or Disciplined Activity - Slowly Does It

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 6th to 10th June 2022. Exact 9th June

Hot and Cold!

At present there is a danger of your doubts and fears intruding just when you wish to act. This could take the external form of others holding you up in some way, or of some authority holding you back. Struggling angrily against such blockages would attract more frustration, so it's probably most advisable to take a back seat now. Working out your pent-up energies in an industrious fashion is a simple and productive solution. This would also mean having to avoid complications with others, which in turn could bring troublesome emotions to the surface in what could be a physically damaging way.

Also on Monday

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 6th to 11th June 2022. Exact 10th June

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Wednesday 8th June

Spending Too Much - Spending Too Little - Indulgence or Pleasure?

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 8th to 10th June 2022. Exact 9th June

This is not really a problem except that you are inclined to overdo it - or conversely, not push the boat out enough. It all depends on what place you give to love and pleasure in your life. If you are naturally generous, affectionate or fun loving, then this time will probably be enjoyable for you - although you might have a hangover or blown budget to contend with afterwards!

If you usually have a hard time giving of yourself and being socially satisfied, this influence is trying to show you why, and how you could remedy such a dilemma. The secret is generosity - on any or all levels - to be aware that another's happiness is ultimately your own too. Without tuning into Venus in a positive way, you can simply feel more anti-social, unattractive, or worthless.

Thursday 9th June

Taking the Initiative - Making Your Way Forwards and Upwards

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 9th to 12th June 2022. Exact 11th June

Whatever needs doing that will help push things forward with regard to your job or profession, now is the time when you are more likely to find the energy to do so. Alternatively, or additionally, some individual could give you a push. Or, others might be looking to you for leadership, and this gives you the confidence to oblige them. Notwithstanding other inhibiting factors, the lights are now on green for 'go'.

Friday 10th June

Bad Buys - Indiscretion - Feelings At Odds With Words

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 10th to 13th June 2022. Exact 12th June

Feelings and values are presently in conflict with how things are seen or communicated. This can give rise to misunderstandings, especially between loved ones. You should be careful not to let a molehill be turned into a mountain, because really this influence should only amount to a 'life and life only' type of irritation that has no real lasting effect.

However, if there is something bigger brewing beneath the surface, then this could bring it out in the open. But it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, so with a bit of self control and a few well chosen, preferably loving, words, a gain rather than a loss could be on the cards. Apart from these more serious areas, be on your guard against impulse buys or retorts you later come to regret.

Also on Friday

Experiencing Power: Degeneration or Regeneration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th June 2022. Exact 12th June

The underlying fact of life that everything is born, evolves, decays, dies and is born again now enters your consciousness - in some way, great or small. The opportunity to tune into this cycle of birth and rebirth is well worth taking up, because it gives you a glimpse of the fact that you are a vital part of this cycle. As such, you may sense what is profound and powerful in you and your life, or what is wasteful and degenerate - but you will probably have to peer or delve some way beneath surface appearances in order to do so. You may also encounter manipulators of this power - be they benign or malignant. It could well become necessary for you to let go of decadent elements, and strive towards regenerative ones.

Also on Friday

Saying Too Much - Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 10th to 14th June 2022. Exact 12th June

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Saturday 11th June

Loving Sex - Ease of Expression - Party Time

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Venus from 11th to 14th June 2022. Exact 13th June

This is a wonderful time for physically enjoying yourself. Your senses are more than usually responsive to stimulation, and others are also more responsive to your actions. You can now discover (or improve) your ability to 'hit the spot' - either in an intimate situation or in company. You are more attuned to striking a balance between getting and giving, and to the fact that mutual pleasure is pleasure indeed. Artistic pursuits are also highlighted during this period.

Monday 13th June

Clear Feelings - Equilibrium - Understanding Needs - Inner Calm

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 13th to 16th June 2022. Exact 15th June

This is an excellent time for getting in touch with both yourself and others, because you now experience an optimum balance between what you want and need, and between what you think and feel. So, you are more than usually able to see things in a healthy light, with a minimum of misunderstanding. Seeing eye to eye, creating agreements or settling disputes is also propitious. Moreover, problems arising from childhood traumas may be successfully explored and set on the road to resolution.

Tuesday 14th June

Loving Deeply - Genuine Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 14th to 16th June 2022. Exact 16th June

You are drawn to what is deep and dark - but probably without feeling controlled or compromised by such a feeling, such as can often be the case. If in a relationship, you now have the experience, or opportunity, of feeling in touch with the nucleus of what binds you together, yet in a way that is very right, fated even. This influence could possibly trigger the start of an important relationship, but there would probably have to be other, longer standing planetary effects to make it so.

Wednesday 15th June

Communicating with Conviction - Mental Stimulation

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mercury from 15th to 19th June 2022. Exact 18th June

You may now put your point across to others in a direct and decisive way. Or conversely, you are now more than usually able to grasp a given issue. So this is a good time for studying, any kind of verbal interaction, or making your position clear. You are generally more dexterous and co-ordinated, so tasks or pursuits - like driving, sports, quizzes, etc - are well-starred at present.

Friday 17th June

Highlighting Uniqueness and Individuality - Expect the Unexpected

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 17th to 20th June 2022. Exact 19th June

How you experience this influence has everything to do with how in touch you are with what is special about life in general and yourself in particular. If you have allowed your life to become too routine and predictable, then something (or someone) could appear on the scene to give you a shock or a jolt, or at least remind you that the world is a wild and extraordinary place. Alternatively, you could be the one to shock others by revealing what is rebellious or highly original about you. Why not make this a date with the unexpected by doing something you'd never normally do? Then, with the element of surprise on your side, there's no telling what new ideas or vistas could open up in front of you!

Saturday 18th June

Love's Illusions - Precarious Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 18th to 20th June 2022. Exact 20th June

The most romantic and ideal, but equally the most fanciful and illusory, experiences can come your way now. You are more inclined to fall in love or lust, or to be made a fool of, for that matter. A more reliable expression or use of this influence is to involve yourself with some creative work, have a special time out with someone you have genuine love feelings for, or simply take in a good movie.

A new relationship can arise under this influence - but remember that 'under the influence' can be all it amounts to unless you have at least one foot on the ground. Platonic involvements are quite likely - or they turn out to be! Be that as it may, this can promise to be a pleasurable, if rather heady, time. All of the above could equally just take place in your head. On a more mundane note, you could find just the item you were after, or thought you were! Very much a 'what's real?' type of time, so do not take anything at face value - be it exciting or depressing.

Also on Saturday

Positive Thinking - Knowing The Plan - Goodwill - Luck

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 18th to 21st June 2022. Exact 20th June

You are in a good frame of mind now as you're in touch with the better sides of your life and personality. It's as if you can see how you fit in with the greater whole; you feel that everything is for the best, and you have some sense of how things will pan out alright. So, with anything that is particularly oiled by having Lady Luck on your side, now is a good time to go for it - notwithstanding other influences to the contrary. You are also quite likely to encounter positive and encouraging people at this time.

Sunday 19th June

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 19th to 22nd June 2022. Exact 21st June

There is a sparkle to sexual, social or creative activities. A certain type of freeness pervades your involvements that can give rise to new forms of pleasure or expression, exciting contacts and new groups of people. A good time to get out and experiment with life and society, to see what it has on offer. Gatherings go with a swing, people show their more original or quirky sides.

Monday 20th June

Overdoing It - Pleasure Versus Morality - Overspending

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd June 2022. Exact 22nd June

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

You feel luckier than at other times - but that feeling will very likely prove thoroughly unreliable! Any kind of promise now, made by you or to you, could also prove hard to keep, so a bit of caution and a pinch of salt is required at present.

Also on Monday

Highlighting Personal Self-Expression - Being a Social Animal

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 20th to 23rd June 2022. Exact 22nd June

Your urge and ability to mix with others is marginally increased for the time being; you also come across in a more coherent fashion than usual. So, gathering people around you, or getting out and about (depending on which is more suitable), is a good idea, because you now make a good impression. If you usually like to 'play to the crowd', then you'll shine even more now. If not, then you might now possibly surprise yourself.

Wednesday 22nd June

Healthy Self-Assertion - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 22nd to 24th June 2022. Exact 24th June

Your mind is now in gear with your body, so, anything that needs such an advantage, plan for now if you can. Sports, debate, selling, effective communication, getting your foot in the door - these are just some of the pursuits that you are presently more likely to excel in than you would normally. Any job that has been daunting you, and you have been putting off, set to work on it now.

Also on Wednesday

Getting Down To It - Efficient Thinking and Speaking - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 22nd to 24th June 2022. Exact 24th June

Now you can do with relative ease those boring tasks that you might usually put off. Mental discipline comes more naturally to you now, and people in authority (like bosses or officials), can be dealt with more effectively - they themselves will also seem more amenable or efficient. Any kind of work, study or communication is highlighted now, but more so the practical rather than the creative type. You find it easier, and more immediately satisfying, to get your affairs in order. Things fall into place, especially if you do, or have done, the groundwork.

Thursday 23th June

Communication Challenges - Pressing Work Issues - Spats

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 23rd to 25th June 2022. Exact 24th June

If you start feeling a bit overwrought during this time, then take few deep breaths - or better still - do some breathing exercises. If you are prone to insomnia, this influence could exacerbate it, because you're more than usually inclined to working everything out in your head. As your mind and ego are kind of hooked up together now, try not to blurt out the first thing that comes into your head since you may regret it. For the same reason, for maximum mental harmony, keep your mind focused only upon serious issues, or paradoxically, upon humorous ones. Arguing for arguing's sake could be a waste of time and energy now (and could also get you into hotter water than you'd bargained for)!

Also on Thursday

Home and Business Connections - Knowing Your Pitch

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 23rd to 25th June 2022. Exact 25th June

You now see clearly how your home and working life are dependent upon each other, and are able to balance your interests and investments in these respects. Getting private and professional figures and concerns to co-operate comes easier now. You see the whole picture and can manage 'you and yours' more efficiently.

Friday 24th June

Loving Words - Artistic Expression - The Art of Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 24th to 26th June 2022. Exact 26th June

You know what pleases now - be it for yourself or someone else. At the same time, you know what doesn't please! All this gives you a good sense of what appeals or sells, so this is an excellent time for putting together anything that you want to go down well. Art, public relations, discussion, performing, charm and amusement - these are some of the things the positive expression, or experience, of which are at your fingertips right now. If you wish to make known what's on your mind in an appreciable or agreeable way - do it now.

Also on Friday

Stimulating or Attacking Feelings - Protecting Your Space

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Moon from 24th to 28th June 2022. Exact 26th June


The feelings that you have been sitting on need to come to the surface now. So feeling irritable, or fit to burst, is quite likely. This is a natural safety valve urging you to unload negative feelings such as anger or resentment, and especially those that concern your family and figures, or events, from your past. Being 'reasonable' at this time would be missing the point, because being supposedly abiding and well-behaved is what made you swallow your true feelings in the first place. So 'cough up the bile' and all concerned will feel the healthier and more secure for it eventually. It is very important now to make it clear how you feel, but to avoid unnecessary conflict, you must make the distinction between a feeling and who or what triggers off that feeling.

Sunday 26th June

Flow of Communication - Working and Thinking Well - Connected

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 26th to 29th June 2022. Exact 28th June

All Mercurial activities, such as mental or manual work, studying, communications, travel, contact making, etc., are highlighted now. You're generally on good form intellectually, and seem to pick the right moment to make that call, the right way to say something, and to put your finger on the easiest solution. Co-operative ventures and interactions with those who live nearby (or siblings) are also well starred.

Wednesday 29th June

Sleuthing It - Mental Preoccupation - Disturbing Undercurrents

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 29th June 2022 to 1st July 2022. Exact 30th June

Whatever rouses you, or demands your complete attention, is going to appear on the scene now. This could be in the form of a letter, a conversation, a book, or even an old question or feeling that pops to the surface to be looked into. Things that involve a mystery, like a whodunit, can really grab you at this time. Crime, the underworld, or the seamy side of life can also suck you in - but probably only on a mental level - but watch it, all the same. Having to perform work that requires deep concentration is very possible.

Thursday 30th June

Contacting Feelings - Easy Conversation - Interest and Sympathy

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 30th June 2022 to 2nd July 2022. Exact 2nd July

Things are more likely to fall into place now because you have a greater than usual sense of give and take. You talk, but also listen, and vice versa. Enquiry is met with relevant response. Allowed to run on like this, this period can become very stimulating and informative, both emotionally and intellectually. Any intercommunications, personal or business, are highlighted at this time.

Also on Thursday

Love And Sex - Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th June 2022 to 3rd July 2022. Exact 2nd July

This should go down in your diary as a time to have a good time socially, sexually or romantically - maybe all three! You are at your best with respect to these areas of your life and personality, so opportunity beckons. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else. There should be signs right now - big or small - that it is good to be alive.

Also on Thursday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 30th June 2022 to 3rd July 2022. Exact 2nd July

This brings a period of relative stability in your love life, social involvements or financial affairs. What comprises such is now shown to you, so you can take stock of whatever that is and use it to build and secure these areas for the future. You are now more inclined to be economical and dutiful, without it feeling like a wet blanket. Partners are also inclined towards being more responsible and mature at present.

Forecast for July 2022

Friday 1st July

Highlighting Personal Drive, Sex Life, Courage and Decisiveness

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July


Mars is symbolic of that force within and around you which makes it possible to go for, and get something or someone; it also represents the urge and the right to do so. How good, bad or indifferent you are when it comes to expressing your Mars qualities is currently an issue. Being active, independent, forthright or bold now, is a sign that you know what you are after, and how and when to act. Experiencing anger, abusiveness or excessive use of force (either in yourself or another), would be a sign that you need to look at what you yourself are angry about, at what you want, and at what you must do in order to obtain it, or so that you no longer want it.

Also on Friday

Love At Odds With Life - Love Life Laid Bare - Lovers' Tiffs

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

You can now have the classic Venusian experience of, or opportunity for love, romance, beauty, value or anything else that makes life worth living. It is also a good time to go out or get down to finding such things. On the other hand, what happens is that the level and quality of romantic or social involvement in your life is now apparent and intensified.

The effect can therefore be anything from having a really good time to feeling in need of having a good time, from looking good to feeling how uphill it is trying to look good, from experiencing love and life as sweet and fulfilling to feeling that everything is superficial and of little value. A purchase can be just what you wanted or turn out later to be an indulgent waste of money.

In the end, Venus is about finding love, beauty and value in whatever circumstances you are in, and not fretting after something that is missing or wanting. Stop wanting and start having; stop craving and start giving. And beauty is only skin deep if that is only as far as you look!

Also on Friday

Highlighting Status and Responsibilities, Caution and Doubts

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 1st to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

This period doesn't exactly find you in a party mood, but it does put you in a sober frame of mind that should enable you to get down to identifying what is (and what is not) required of you, and what is blocking your progress or view. The main trouble is that the pressure will be upon you to do just this. It is attempting to duck your responsibilities that would give you a hard time. Equally though, the thanklessness of tasks done out of a blind sense of duty, or born of fear, also shows up now. Even though this period lasts only a few days, time passes slowly, so use it to reflect coolly and carefully upon your position in life, without feeling panicky or depressed about it. Notwithstanding what else is indicated at present, the time to act comes later, after having made your purpose and obligation clearer.

Also on Friday

Acting with Conviction - Fortunate Moves - Exhorting Others

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Jupiter from 1st to 5th July 2022. Exact 4th July

You can get a lot done during this period, and encourage others to greater effort and achievement too. All physical activities, particularly sports, can be happily embarked upon. You feel surer than usual, and so it's a good time to further your objectives. Planning and decision-making are also well-starred because you have a greater than normal sense of all the elements that are in play.

Saturday 2nd July

Scattered Thoughts - Stuck For Words - Indiscretion - Crossed Lines

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 2nd to 4th July 2022. Exact 4th July

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Also on Saturday

Smooth Running - Opening Doors - No Worries

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 2nd to 5th July 2022. Exact 4th July

You are 'in sync' with life today - at least, in the context of whatever else is going on for you astrologically at this time. So now is when you can gain co-operation from others, and be generally in tune and in gear. You could also receive assistance from someone; someone who possibly has power or authority.

Also on Saturday

Charity Begins At Home - Domestic Harmony - Loving Family

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 2nd to 4th July 2022. Exact 3rd July

This is a mild influence that should help you to use your skills to blend your working and private life, to get one to serve the other. Any artistic or creative flair or project can now gain support from both official and personal spheres.

Sunday 3rd July

Seeing the Whole - Getting a Plan - Philosophical Thinking

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 3rd to 5th July 2022. Exact 4th July

Preparation and furtherance are the allies available to you at present. Having all the facts at your fingertips, seeing how the general fits in with the particular, linking the local to the global, the everyday to the profound - perceptions like these now come more easily to you, allowing you to put forward, create or resolve whatever issues are in front of you. Whether it is finding the meaning of things, or translating one thing into another, your deductive mind and intuitive mind are now working in concert. Now is the time when you can accurately get the picture; or be put in it.

Also on Sunday

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Enhanced - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 3rd to 5th July 2022. Exact 5th July

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that, at times, you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Monday 4th July

On The Ball - Getting Around Locally and/or Mentally

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 4th to 6th July 2022. Exact 5th July

Life is interesting and busy at this time. Useful contacts, stimulating people and subjects cross your path. If you have to look anyone or anything up, you're more likely than usual to make the right connections, possess good timing. You could also receive a significant communication, or the even the one you've been waiting for; especially if there are other activities occurring that indicate positive events.

Also on Monday

Arousing Opposition - Lovers' Tiffs - Combined Effort Wins

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Ascendant from 4th to 8th July 2022. Exact 6th July


It's unlikely that you will get through this period without someone getting your goat, or you getting theirs. Whatever issues have been swept under the carpet are bound to jump out now. So, be prepared for such a confrontation, and muster as much objectivity as possible concerning your position in relation to somebody else, and vice versa. Ideally, finding some common goal, and working towards it together, is the way to handle Mars traversing this sensitive part of your chart. Avoid making a crisis out of a drama.

Wednesday 6th July

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 6th to 8th July 2022. Exact 7th July

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Saturday 9th July

Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 9th to 11th July 2022. Exact 10th July

It's as if everything has bells on now, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. There's a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret, so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter. You may feel justified in getting heated over a certain issue, but there is a strong possibility that, ultimately, the only satisfaction you'll get is from merely feeling justified. Your 'opponent' if so disposed, could make you eat your words at a later date, or you may not have a 'later date' to say anything at all; justifiable or otherwise.

At this time it pays to look at what it is in you that causes you to feel ineffectual (or overlooked) in any way. This will not only supply you with useful information which you can then do something constructive about, but it would prevent you having a run in with someone, or something, (like a car or sharp object) that has nothing to do with it - other than the fact that they trigger your anger and frustration born of a complex about self-assertion and getting what you want in life.

Also on Saturday

Need To Plan Thinking - Heavy Thoughts - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 9th to 11th July 2022. Exact 10th July

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time. It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Also on Saturday

Easy Communication - Getting Work Done

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 9th to 11th July 2022. Exact 11th July

You feel 'wired in' to what's most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. You are more able to co-ordinate your efforts and deliberations with those of other people at this time, so coming to agreements, and getting good work done on a co-operative basis, are strongly highlighted. Travel arrangements and making connections are far more likely to go smoothly too.

Also on Saturday

Deep or Obsessive Love - Powerful Attraction - Sexual Guilt

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 9th to 12th July 2022. Exact 11th July

You find you feel deeply for someone or something, or that you want to, or that you cannot get someone or something out of your system. In any event, you are experiencing the depth and power of love or attraction - and what you do with it is down to your deepest values. Such a feeling can actually turn up as someone who you feel strongly drawn to. It may or may not be mutual, it all depends upon that deeper state of your emotional being - is it attracting or repelling?

There is a 'Beauty and the Beast' quality to this influence, in that you could experience one or both of these extremes, with someone else on the other end, so to speak. The gulf between what is regarded as appealing and presentable as against what usually has to hide its face, feel anti-social, is a possibility now.

The trick is to go deep but not too deep, to appreciate face values, but not regard them as the entire picture. Be on guard against being manipulated - value yourself above all else - or of manipulating someone yourself, because you would only entrench yourself or get more than you bargained for. Possessiveness and jealousy can rear their heads now, which has something to do with being more in touch with what does and does not constitute genuine love. Handled right, you can get the best of both worlds: intense pleasure, deep feelings, and profound love.

Monday 11th July

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 11th to 13th July 2022. Exact 13th July

This is a very 'female' influence in that you are inclined to use charm and receptivity rather than drive and ambition. If you are usually disposed towards making things happen, you would now be wise to let them happen as they will, because in this way the easiest solution or most attractive outcome will ensue. Any pursuits that require grace, diplomacy or artistic imagination, or occasions like domestic or family gatherings and parties are highlighted at this time.

Tuesday 12th July

Repairs and Regeneration - Getting to the Bottom of It

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th July 2022. Exact 14th July

This is a good time to start any regimen, to turn things around, to eliminate anything that has been bothering you, or simply to put what's wrong right. You feel a power coursing through you, but it is a gentle and sure power - not one that is insisting you express it no matter what. Your powers of concentration, and your stamina - be it physical, mental or emotional - are stronger than usual, so any demanding activity is better pursued at this time.

Thursday 14th July

Sleuthing It - Powerful Words and Thoughts - Deep Study

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 14th to 16th July 2022. Exact 15th July

If you have a job to do that requires your undivided attention; do it now. Not only is your mind on relatively good form, and can work into the night, you are also in the frame of mind where you can repel any interference powerfully, even ruthlessly, if need be. You know that you have to see whatever it is through, no matter what.

Also on Thursday

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Possible Alienation

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 14th to 17th July 2022. Exact 16th July

Whatever is out of the ordinary regarding sexual, social, creative or romantic involvements can appear out of the blue now. By the very nature of this influence it is hard to say what will happen. For the same reason it is best not to put too much store by whatever does, because it will most probably be a flash-in-the-pan kind of occurrence.

Experimental, shocking or odd - whatever happens now can be anything from extremely exciting to somehow detached - or both even. This influence can trigger the start of an exciting relationship, but it does not predict which way it will go, because the only assurance as far as Uranus is concerned is that you can expect the unexpected; so be ready to be woken up to something new. Significant coincidences can happen now, trying to tell you something about how love and life tick. Sudden attractions and/or breaks in relationship can also occur.

Also on Thursday

Feeling Split - Emotional Conflict - Negotiating Difficulties

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 14th to 17th July 2022. Exact 16th July

You could find yourself in two minds about a certain issue. Such could, in turn, give rise to discontent and conflict of purpose. You may find yourself in disputes with family members, or be feeling generally at odds with the world around you. Succumbing to negative feelings would, however, be missing the point as this influence offers you the opportunity to see the emotional score, to be less subjective, read the writing on the wall and obey what it says. You can sort out problems as long as you are emotionally honest enough to accept that which is your responsibility and that which is someone else's - because this is now being made clear.

Friday 15th July

Logic Versus Feelings - Gossip and Trivia

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 15th to 17th July 2022. Exact 16th July

Time could be wasted with gossiping and small talk - but then again, it might be this very thing that makes you feel in tune with your immediate environment. You are more mentally in touch with your feelings at this time, so you may learn a lot on this front, as well as making it clear to others how you feel and, conversely, receiving from them how they feel. Saying too much could be something to watch out for, as too would be getting into a confrontation with somebody who lives close by, a colleague or family member. Then again, it could be precisely such a confrontation that makes you more aware of your own and another's feelings, generally speaking or with regard to some specific matter.

Also on Friday

Love And Goodwill - Fun And Generosity - Joie De Vivre - Lady Luck

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 15th to 18th July 2022. Exact 17th July

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

Any activity that requires you to put out a good or generous vibe is best booked for now. You are luckier than at other times - but bear in mind that gambling can have an agenda all of its own so paradoxically, do not bet on it! It is better by far to see and experience this influence as a gift from the gods - but on the gods' terms. This means to say that there is something good in the air, but do not presume on it being 'good' in precisely the way you think you want it to mean. It is really an opportunity to find out what 'good' actually means.

Saturday 16th July

The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 16th to 18th July 2022. Exact 17th July

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Sunday 17th July

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 17th to 18th July 2022. Exact 18th July

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Also on Sunday

Attractive Presentation - Working To Please - Social Investments

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 17th to 19th July 2022. Exact 19th July

This is an excellent time to be seen in your best light. Making presentations, performing, making a play for someone or something, even going down on bended knee - these are all highlighted under this influence. Generally, others are glad to have you around, and the feeling will probably be mutual.

Also on Sunday

Going With The Flow - Attuned To Spirit - Creativity and Entertainment

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 17th to 20th July 2022. Exact 19th July

This is a fine, subtle influence, which you could miss unless you are alive to the unseen, mystical or imaginative elements of life and your personality. Any kind of creative or spiritual pursuit - either active or passive - is propitious under this planetary effect. You are more attuned to subtle and emotional vibrations than usual, and possibly sense that struggling with issues only prolongs or complicates them. An enjoyable time listening to, or playing music, communing with Nature, or any activity involving the sea, are some of the possibilities right now.

Monday 18th July

Missing the Point - Jumping to Conclusions - Misplaced Interest

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 18th to 20th July 2022. Exact 20th July

You may find yourself in a difficult mediating position right now - or it may be you who is in need of a go-between of some sort. The trouble is, any kind of communication is likely to go awry at present, unless you have someone or something really efficient on the case. Unless you are sure you have such things well in hand, it is best to take a back seat and say very little until this usually brief period is over.

Also on Monday

Waking up to The Truth - Light upon The Future - The New and Unusual

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 18th to 21st July 2022. Exact 20th July

Whatever else may be going on in your life, this influence helps you to see it as part of a greater pattern or long term process of development. You also gain insights into what is unique about yourself, and others too - and you begin to appreciate more what freedom actually means. Additionally, this is a good time to involve yourself with subjects that take a greater overview of life, like science and technology, astronomy, astrology, psychology, etc.

Wednesday 20th July

Forcefulness with Ease - The Door Opener - A Winning Way

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Sun from 20th to 24th July 2022. Exact 23rd July

You are able to approach and execute matters as well as possible now, either in relation to your usual ability to act decisively - or considering the situation that you are currently dealing with. In other words, you are now most likely to know what you want, and how to go about getting it. More to the point, however, you are most likely to assert yourself owing to an instinctive sense of sureness that attracts success and confidence, rather than to being impatient and pushy, which would attract the opposite.

Thursday 21st July

An Urge to Achieve - Possible Conflicts with Authority

Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 25th July 2022. Exact 24th July

You have the energy and the will to further yourself professionally now. Much depends upon how you go about expressing your desire to get what you want. If you ride roughshod over anyone at present, be prepared to get back as good as you've given. It is better by far to clearly identify your targets, and devise a strategy to meet them that impresses those above you, or those who work for/with you. You'll then be set to win, rather than attracting a troublesome opponent. And all the above also applies to current goings on in your home.

Friday 22nd July

Challenging Social/Emotional Equilibrium - Importance of Sharing

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 25th July 2022. Exact 24th July

Seeing eye-to-eye with others is not easy now, so don't expect to gain any goodwill, persuade anyone, or feel that 'at peace' with the world. This is really a test of your equilibrium, so just balance on that wire and don't try any clever tricks.

Saturday 23th July

Healthy Self-Assertion - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 23rd to 25th July 2022. Exact 25th July

Your mind is now in gear with your body, so anything that needs such an advantage, plan for now if you can. Sports, debate, selling, effective communication, getting your foot in the door - these are just some of the pursuits that you're presently more likely to excel in than you would normally. Any job which has been daunting for you, and you've been putting off - set to work on it now.

Also on Saturday

Getting Down To It - Efficient Thinking and Speaking - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 23rd to 25th July 2022. Exact 25th July

Now you can do with relative ease those boring tasks that you might usually put off. Mental discipline comes more naturally to you now, and people in authority (like bosses or officials), can be dealt with more effectively - they themselves will also seem more amenable or efficient. Any kind of work, study or communication is highlighted now, but more so the practical rather than the creative type. You find it easier, and more immediately satisfying, to get your affairs in order. Things fall into place, especially if you do, or have done, the groundwork.

Also on Saturday

Physical Attraction - Beauty in Action - Love/Sex Balance

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Venus from 23rd to 27th July 2022. Exact 26th July


You now experience a sharpening of your sense of what does, or does not, please. This is most likely to occur in the realm of personal relationships, with you feeling the need for a physical show of love. This in turn could find you attracting (or being attracted to) someone, or feeling frustrated at no-one being available. If you have an ongoing intimate relationship, this would be a time for the erotic. In any event, you may have to find the right balance between making love and having sex, between courtship and seduction, tenderness and desire. Also at this time, any art forms that involve movement - like drama, dance, live music, etc - are highlighted or intensified.

Sunday 24th July

Business Connections - On The Case - Knowing Your Pitch

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 26th July 2022. Exact 25th July

This can just be a busy day at work, or one where you make an important connection with respect to your career. This could take the form of any kind of communication. Being 'out on the street' doing whatever has to be done to further your interests, is very likely - and advisable too. Someone is out there who could be very useful to you - and/or you to them.

Monday 25th July

Not Saying or Seeing It Right - The Need for Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 25th to 27th July 2022. Exact 26th July

This is a time when logical thought is at odds with the emotional, or aesthetic, side of life. Not seeing eye-to-eye with a member of the opposite sex is highly likely, because one of you wants to make sense of things, while the other wants to feel right about something. One of you might want to talk, while the other wants to experience affection or sensual pleasure. None of this poses a big problem - unless you let it - because this is just a passing phase, a time when you are out of 'sync' with whoever is close to you.

It's also a time when work issues can get in the way of personal ones, or vice versa, so avoid mixing business with pleasure. If you already have been doing so, then this could prove an awkward time for you. Sorting out love problems is quite likely, and desirable too. But be wary of the above described inclination to speak in different 'languages' to one another. Try to meet each other half way - it's the only way at present.

Also on Monday

Love At Odds With Sex - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 25th to 28th July 2022. Exact 27th July

You are very much in the mood for sexual and/or romantic experience, or simply to feel socially alive. Depending upon your temperament and availability, such an experience, or at least the opportunity for one, could arise right now, or, it would be a good time to plan for such an occasion, or, failing all of these, it could be a time of frustration if these matters have been put on the backburner.

Then again, out of the blue could come an experience that kind of pleasurably highlights the current state of affairs in your love/sex/social life - even precipitating you into an affair or relationship. All in all though, this has the potential to be an enjoyable and exciting time - but be wary of your own shortcomings with respect to these areas being exposed.

Also on Monday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 25th to 28th July 2022. Exact 27th July

You experience the serious or very real side of love and social involvement now. This is not a time for having fun and letting your hair down, so do not plan for this or get frustrated trying to make it so. More than likely your partner, or people in general, will come across as sober and responsible now - or in need of such qualities. If you are not with anyone, you can feel more alone than usual, or if you are prepared to take a serious rather than cynical look, you can get the measure of why you are unattached.

If this is truly not an issue under this influence, then you can probably congratulate yourself on being genuinely self-sufficient. By and large though, this period is inclined to show up the warts and weaknesses in your love and social life, including the pressure to do something about it. In any event, this means being emotionally mature and responsible and doing what has to done, even though it is difficult. In time, such commitment will prove to be well worth it. On a financial level, you may well have to read the writing on the wall here instead, or as well, getting real about money being the call of the day.

Tuesday 26th July

Disagreement - Nervous Energy - The Devil Makes Work For Idle Hands

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mercury from 26th to 28th July 2022. Exact 28th July

Irritation, a lack of relevance, bad communication, work setbacks, inappropriate thinking - these are some of the things that could dog you at present. To avoid such frustrations, or simply feeling at a loose end, find an optimum environment for getting down to what has to be done. This could well mean working on your own somewhere, or keeping intrusions down to a minimum in some other way.

All forms of communication could become a nuisance, or be unreliable, with the proverbial wires getting crossed. Again, seek to lessen difficulties by avoiding having to make important decisions dependent upon making a specific contact or travel connection. Look for a more suitable time for such activities.

Also on Tuesday

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life Issues

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 26th to 29th July 2022. Exact 28th July

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also highlighted - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Friday 29th July

Argument or Hot Debate - Nervous Excitement or Exhaustion

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mercury from 29th July 2022 to 2nd August 2022. Exact 31st July


If it's going to be said at all, it's going to be said now - with some force. This, in turn, will help make decisions concerning issues that have been hanging in the balance. If you still manage to sit on the fence, expect to get pushed off. In other words, keeping a lid on it will attract tension release in some other area - like speeding in your car, acute irritability, or physical weak spots playing up. Now is the time when you can, or have to, really get your mental teeth into an issue - or it will get its teeth into you!

Saturday 30th July

Contacting Feelings - Easy Conversation - Interest and Sympathy

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 30th July 2022 to 1st August 2022. Exact 31st July

Things are more likely to fall into place now because you have a greater than usual sense of give and take. You talk, but also listen, and vice versa. Enquiry is met with relevant response. Allowed to run on like this, this period can become very stimulating and informative, both emotionally and intellectually. Any intercommunications, personal or business, are highlighted at this time.

Sunday 31st July

The Confused Mind - Deceptions or Misunderstandings

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 31st July 2022 to 2nd August 2022. Exact 2nd August

Unless you're doing something of a creative, therapeutic, or entertaining nature at this time, you are possibly asking to attract absent-mindedness or strange, even paranoid, ideas. Crossed lines could also dog any form of communication. So, this is not a time to make any crucial decisions or broach delicate matters - either it just wouldn't come out right, or, what another says or does could be taken in the wrong way. Also, when you're out and about you may get lost in some way or other. Sitting back and watching the world go by, or taking in a film you know you're going to like, are a few ways of safely, even enjoyably, getting through this one.

Forecast for August 2022

Monday 1st August

Getting Things Done - Healthy Self-Assertion - Feeling Fit

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 1st to 4th August 2022. Exact 3rd August

Getting down to things, opening doors, launching yourself with energy and enthusiasm, attaining the object of your desires - these are some of the advantages of this influence. In proportion to your usual powers of self-assertion, asserting yourself in any way is in tune with the general way of things at present.

Also on Monday

A Sense of Order - Highlighting Discipline and Economy

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 1st to 4th August 2022. Exact 3rd August

You should be functioning well over these few days, so it's a good time to get more systematic, devise a plan, or even embark upon some important undertaking - assuming other indications are not inauspicious. You are, at present, more than usually inclined to get down to what needs doing without being, or feeling, distracted by issues that do not bear directly on the job in hand. You are now more disposed towards structure and efficiency than you are towards whims or sentimentality.

Tuesday 2nd August

Seeing the Whole - Getting a Plan - Philosophical Thinking

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 4th August 2022. Exact 3rd August

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Wednesday 3rd August

On The Ball - Getting Around Locally and/or Mentally

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 3rd to 5th August 2022. Exact 4th August

Life is interesting and busy at this time. Useful contacts, stimulating people and subjects cross your path. If you have to look anyone or anything up, you're more likely than usual to make the right connections, possess good timing. You could also receive a significant communication, or the even the one you've been waiting for; especially if there are other activities occurring that indicate positive events.

Also on Wednesday

Loving Deeply - Genuine Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th August 2022. Exact 5th August

You are drawn to what is deep and dark - but probably without feeling controlled or compromised by such a feeling, such as can often be the case. If in a relationship, you now have the experience, or opportunity, of feeling in touch with the nucleus of what binds you together, yet in a way that is very right, fated even. This influence could possibly trigger the start of an important relationship, but there would probably have to be other, longer standing planetary effects to make it so.

Also on Wednesday

Highlighting or Boosting Career Status - A Lift from Authority

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 6th August 2022. Exact 5th August

If you want to look your best before those who can help you in the material world, then now is your window - providing of course that there are no deleterious influences abounding. You could also have a better eye for opportunity, and be able to see which is the best course to take with respect to your profession or vocation.

Thursday 4th August

Highlighting Love Life, Pleasure, Material and Social Values

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Venus from 4th to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

What shows now is the 'state of the art'. In other words, whatever you are doing, or not doing, with regard to filling your own and others' lives with some love and beauty is brought to your attention. So such areas as relationships, arts and crafts, social activities, buying and spending, or things that add a sweetness to life are presently to the fore. Positively, this can take the form of generosity, a love encounter, a party, a general sense of happiness, or anything that helps to make life attractive and more worth living. Negatively, finding yourself being mean, lonely, indulgent, excessive, vain or superficial would point to the fact that a genuine sense of worth, and the ability to give or receive love, is somewhat lacking in your life.

Also on Thursday

Initiating Profound Changes - A Healthy Sense of Power

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Pluto from 4th to 8th August 2022. Exact 6th August

Whatever you feel strongly about in a far-reaching way, can be successfully set in motion now. You may not see the results of this straightaway, but you would sense a sort of 'point of destiny' as you did so. Even if you are not aware of any such burning issue, this is a time when you should feel a certain power in the air. This could take the form of being in the presence of a powerful personality, or a waterfall, or some other impressive phenomenon. In any event, you presently have the ability to impress or be impressed.

Friday 5th August

Emotional Discomfort - Discord with/between Females - Let It Be

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 5th to 7th August 2022. Exact 6th August

This need not necessarily be a difficult time - it can in fact turn out to be quite pleasurable. However, there is an inclination for social and domestic needs to get in the way of one another. This can also include disharmony on the home front, conflict between mother and lover, or being too accommodating and having to pay the price. Inherent in all this though, is a need for peace, so that upsets are usually righted quite soon afterwards. Feelings and values may clash, but the requirements of security and harmony eventually hold sway.

Sunday 7th August

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 7th to 9th August 2022. Exact 8th August

Any feelings or ideas regarding love, sex, music or art - or social life generally - are now nicely attuned to your ideals and visions of a better life. None of this is particularly dynamic, but this gentle, almost 'hippie' type, influence can be very enjoyable. This is a good time to put aside for any pursuit or pastime that comes into these categories.

Monday 8th August

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 8th to 10th August 2022. Exact 9th August

There is a sparkle to sexual, social or creative activities. A certain type of freeness pervades your involvements that can give rise to new forms of pleasure or expression, exciting contacts and new groups of people. This is a good time to get out and experiment with life and society to see what it has on offer. Gatherings go with a swing, people show their more original or quirky sides.

Also on Monday

State of Mind - Stimulating Interests - Highlighting Anxieties

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mercury from 8th to 11th August 2022. Exact 10th August

Life's spotlight is focused upon the way you think and perceive things now. So, this can mean many things, depending upon what you have currently been doing with your mental faculties, or to your nervous system. Studying, planning, reading, short distance travel, making conversation, arguing the point, gossiping, worrying, or just plain thinking - these are some examples of Mercurial activities that are presently being intensified. This means that more energy is available to you for putting into one or more of these situations, or that you should learn to slow down, trust, think and talk a little less, and listen and feel more.

Wednesday 10th August

Communication Challenges - Pressing Work Issues - Spats

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Sun from 10th to 12th August 2022. Exact 12th August

If you start feeling a bit overwrought during this time, then take few deep breaths - or better still - do some breathing exercises. If you are prone to insomnia, this influence could exacerbate it, because you're more than usually inclined to working everything out in your head. As your mind and ego are kind of hooked up together now, try not to blurt out the first thing that comes into your head since you may regret it. For the same reason, for maximum mental harmony, keep your mind focused only upon serious issues, or paradoxically, upon humorous ones. Arguing for arguing's sake could be a waste of time and energy now (and could also get you into hotter water than you'd bargained for)!

Also on Wednesday

Appearance Versus Circumstances - Love The One You're With

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 10th to 13th August 2022. Exact 12th August

Venus' trickier ways can dog you now if you are not aware of them. For instance, this means that someone can catch your eye and come to compromise you later. Or, your partner can appear to have not as much going for them as you think you'd like. The situation could be reversed, in both cases. In other words, do not be fooled by looks or style now; stick to the main plot.

Thursday 11th August

Stimulating Sensitivity - Acting Compassionately or Unwisely

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Neptune from 11th to 16th August 2022. Exact 14th August


This could be a low energy phase for you when the harsher elements of the outside world, be they in the form of anything from insensitive people to a virus, can get the better of you. You may feel strange and out of step - sexual frustration is likely too. 'Sod's Law' prevails, so count to ten, think three times, and be on your guard against being taken advantage of. So be gentle with yourself and others, keep to the line of least resistance, and let any possibly disheartening influence wash over you, because it shouldn't last long. By the same token though, this also gives you the opportunity to identify what your soft or blind spots are. In any event, be as honest and straightforward as you can, because any deceitfulness on your part that stems from the past could surface all too easily at present. The best prescription for handling this rather peculiar period is to use your energies in a helpful, selfless or inspiring manner.

Sunday 14th August

Clear Feelings - Equilibrium - Understanding Needs - Inner Calm

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 14th to 17th August 2022. Exact 16th August

This is an excellent time for getting in touch with both yourself and others, because you now experience an optimum balance between what you want and need, and between what you think and feel. So, you are more than usually able to see things in a healthy light, with a minimum of misunderstanding. Seeing eye to eye, creating agreements or settling disputes is also propitious. Moreover, problems arising from childhood traumas may be successfully explored and set on the road to resolution.

Also on Sunday

Acting Intuitively - Refreshing Influences - Who Dares Wins

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Uranus from 14th to 18th August 2022. Exact 16th August

This is an excellent time for 'unusual acts' - like doing something that you wouldn't normally do for fear of rocking the boat, embarrassment, etc. The effect of such an act can be astounding, because in time it may be seen that such intuitive spontaneity has opened up a pathway into the future that could not have happened otherwise. So, you are now more likely to act on a whim, or take more of a risk, than you would as a rule.

Tuesday 16th August

Stimulating or Attacking Beliefs - Exuberance - Over-Confidence

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 16th to 20th August 2022. Exact 19th August


You should feel quite robust while this period lasts; but this can mean anything from your being a tower of strength that inspires others with your faith and optimism, to your blowing a fuse as a result of excessive activity or expectations. What this period basically supplies you with is enough conviction to get things going or state your case. But once this has been achieved, you should then adopt a more modest style, thereby ensuring further success, and avoiding an over-stretching of your resources, or colliding with a greater force.

Wednesday 17th August

Sleuthing It - Intellectual Conviction or Obsession

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 17th to 19th August 2022. Exact 18th August

Whatever rouses you, or demands your complete attention, is going to appear on the scene now. This could be in the form of a letter, a conversation, a book, or even an old question or feeling that pops to the surface to be looked into. Things that involve a mystery, like a whodunit, can really grab you at this time. Crime, or the underworld, or the seamy side of life, can also suck you in - but probably only on a mental level. Performing work that requires concentration is very possible, or advisable.

Also on Wednesday

Highlighting Sensitivity - Idealism/Escapism - Compassion/Weaknesses

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 17th to 20th August 2022. Exact 19th August

What is brought to light now is something that has been happening outside of your conscious awareness, or has been kept out of sight. Obviously this can mean any number of things, for example: finding out something that's been going on behind your back, or discovering a mysterious dimension of reality you only ever dreamt of; becoming conscious of the fact that you identify more closely with certain others and their hopes and fears, or weak spots being exposed in yourself or others. In any event, it is important that you keep a firm grip on reality, yet, at the same time, remain open to fact or notion that we are all mysteriously united in some way. Generally speaking, your ego is less resilient than usual, so take a back seat and watch life's picture show if you don't feel up to starring in it. Also, be extra careful with drink or drugs because highs and lows are presently very interchangeable.

Friday 19th August

Love And Sex - Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 19th to 21st August 2022. Exact 20th August

This should go down in your diary as a time to have a good time socially, sexually or romantically - maybe all three! You are at your best with respect to these areas of your life and personality, so opportunity beckons. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else. There should be signs right now - big or small - that it is good to be alive.

Also on Friday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 19th to 21st August 2022. Exact 20th August

This brings a period of relative stability in your love life, social involvements or financial affairs. What comprises such is now shown to you, so you can take stock of whatever that is and use it to build and secure these areas for the future. You are now more inclined to be economical and dutiful, without it feeling like a wet blanket. Partners are also inclined to be more responsible and mature at present.

Saturday 20th August

All The World Loves A Lover - Attracting Status - Good Turn

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 20th to 23rd August 2022. Exact 22nd August

This is a good time - other planetary influences willing - to ask for a raise or bank loan because you emanate, or can sense, the way to success. Your emotional state, reflected by the kind of relationship you are currently involved in, makes itself felt in the world around you, depending upon what that state is. Positive news, or at least an approving view, adorns your professional position now.

Also on Saturday

Highlighting Expansiveness and Faith - A Sense of Greatness

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd August 2022. Exact 22nd August

Whatever it is that you are like normally, now you are more so! Essentially, you are experiencing an urge to grow beyond yourself, and to understand matters in a more comprehensive and philosophical way. So, if you do have something of this nature in mind, then now is the time to make it (begin to) happen. But what you allow yourself, and others, to do or be, has everything to do with your moral viewpoint, which is presently a vital issue. So for a more rewarding life, now and in the future, you would be wise to cultivate an optimistic and big hearted attitude, and to be mindful that biting off more than you can chew, or making empty promises, is a sure sign that you are pretending to be larger than life, rather than actually being as large as life.

Sunday 21st August

Spending Too Much - Spending Too Little - Indulgence or Pleasure?

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 21st to 24th August 2022. Exact 23rd August

This is not really a problem except that you are inclined to overdo it - or conversely, not push the boat out enough. It all depends on what place you give to love and pleasure in your life. If you are naturally generous, affectionate or fun loving, then this time will probably be enjoyable for you - although you might have a hangover or blown budget to contend with afterwards!

If you usually have a hard time giving of yourself and being socially satisfied, this influence is trying to show you why, and how you could remedy such a dilemma. The secret is generosity - on any or all levels - to be aware that another's happiness is ultimately your own too. Without tuning into Venus in a positive way, you can simply feel more anti-social, unattractive, or worthless.

Also on Sunday

The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 21st to 23rd August 2022. Exact 22nd August

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Monday 22nd August

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 22nd to 24th August 2022. Exact 23rd August

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Also on Monday

Highlighting Personal Self-Expression - Being a Social Animal

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 25th August 2022. Exact 24th August

Your urge and ability to mix with others is marginally increased for the time being; you also come across in a more coherent fashion than usual. So, gathering people around you, or getting out and about (depending on which is more suitable), is a good idea, because you now make a good impression. If you usually like to 'play to the crowd', then you'll shine even more now. If not, then you might now possibly surprise yourself.

Wednesday 24th August

Bad Buys - Indiscretion - Feelings At Odds With Words

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mercury from 24th to 27th August 2022. Exact 26th August

Feelings and values are presently in conflict with how things are seen or communicated. This can give rise to misunderstandings, especially between loved ones. You should be careful not to let a molehill be turned into a mountain, because really this influence should only amount to a 'life and life only' type of irritation that has no real lasting effect. However, if there is something bigger brewing beneath the surface, then this could bring it out in the open.

But it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, because with a bit of self-control and a few well chosen, preferably loving, words, a gain rather than a loss could be on the cards. Apart from these more serious areas, be on your guard against impulse buys or retorts you later come to regret.

Monday 29th August

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 29th August 2022 to 1st September 2022. Exact 31st August

This is a very 'female' influence in that you are inclined to use charm and receptivity rather than drive and ambition. If you are usually disposed towards making things happen, now you are wise to let them happen as they will, because in this way the easiest solution or most attractive outcome will ensue. Any pursuits that require grace, diplomacy or artistic imagination, or occasions like domestic or family gatherings and parties are highlighted at this time.

Wednesday 31st August

Love's Illusions - Precarious Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 31st August 2022 to 3rd September 2022. Exact 2nd September

The most romantic and ideal, but equally the most fanciful and illusory, experiences can come your way now. You are more inclined to fall in love or lust, or to be made a fool of, for that matter. A more reliable expression, or use, of this influence is to involve yourself with some creative work, have a special time out with someone you have genuine love feelings for, or simply take in a good movie.

A new relationship can arise under this influence - but remember that 'under the influence' can be all that it amounts to unless you have at least one foot on the ground. Platonic involvements are quite likely - or they turn out to be! Be that as it may, this can promise to be a pleasurable, if rather heady, time. All of the above could equally just take place in your head. On a more mundane note, you could find just the item you were after, or thought you were! Very much a 'what's real?' type of time, so do not take anything at face value - be it exciting or depressing.

Forecast for September 2022

Friday 2nd September

Love And Goodwill - Fun And Generosity - Joie De Vivre - Lady Luck

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 5th September 2022. Exact 4th September

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

Any activity that requires you to put out a good or generous vibe is best booked for now. You are luckier than at other times - but bear in mind that gambling can have an agenda all of its own so paradoxically, do not bet on it! It is better by far to see and experience this influence as a gift from the gods - but on the gods' terms. This means to say that there is something good in the air, but do not presume on it being 'good' in precisely the way you think you want it to mean. It is really an opportunity to find out what 'good' actually means.

Also on Friday

Ego Conflicts - Me Versus The Rest - Cool It!

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Sun from 2nd to 6th September 2022. Exact 4th September

This is not a time to see eye to eye with others, because you are now confrontation prone, whether you like it or not! You can use this affect to get a reading of how you, and another, or the world in general, squares up to you, but by and large it is best during these few days either to take the line of least resistance, or to soldier on if needs must.

Sunday 4th September

Attractive Presentation - Working To Please - Social Investments

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 4th to 6th September 2022. Exact 6th September

This is an excellent time to be seen in your best light. Making presentations, performing, making a play for someone or something, even going down on bended knee - these are all highlighted under this influence. Generally, others are glad to have you around, and the feeling will probably be mutual.

Wednesday 7th September

Easy Self-Assertion - Stimulating Confidence - Winning Ways

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 7th to 12th September 2022. Exact 10th September

If you wish to start (or re-start) anything, then now is the time. Unless you have more inhibiting factors at present, you are able to impress both yourself and others with your 'get up and go'. And if you are normally somewhat reluctant to assert yourself, then know that Mars is giving you a green light to do so. The most constructive form of activity is physical, because you simply enjoy the fact that you have a body. All in all though, you can get a lot done now - be it work or play, physical or mental.

Also on Wednesday

Disciplined Activity - Concentrated Energy - Steady Work

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Saturn from 7th to 12th September 2022. Exact 10th September

This period is good for getting down to those tasks that require effort, but that are not very exciting. This is because you are now naturally inclined to plod on in an uncomplaining fashion, simply being satisfied in the knowledge that a necessary job is being well done. Painstaking work can be undertaken because you are not so easily interrupted or side-tracked.

Friday 9th September

Stimulating or Challenging Your Ego - High Energy - Anger or Drive

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Sun from 9th to 14th September 2022. Exact 12th September


Finding a suitable and effective outlet for your energies is the main issue at present. This probably means expressing yourself physically as well as mentally. So, if there is something you have to do that needs a definite degree of forcefulness, then now is the time to go for it. But this is also a time when you can arouse or be aroused to anger or arrogance. This could be just right for clearing the air or making a breakthrough, but watch out for over-reactions, because they could lead to damage. This is a 'hot' period, and can set things off easily. It is up to you whether it is for good or ill.

Saturday 10th September

Taking the Initiative - Making Your Way Forwards and Upwards

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 10th to 15th September 2022. Exact 13th September

Whatever needs doing that will help push things forward with regard to your job or profession, now is the time when you are more likely to find the energy to do so. Alternatively, or additionally, some individual could give you a push. Or, others might be looking to you for leadership, and this gives you the confidence to oblige them. Notwithstanding other inhibiting factors, the lights are now on green for 'go'.

Monday 12th September

Experiencing Power: Degeneration or Regeneration

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th September 2022. Exact 14th September

The underlying fact of life that everything is born, evolves, decays, dies and is born again, now enters your consciousness - in some way, great or small. The opportunity to tune into this cycle of birth and rebirth is well worth taking up, because it gives you a glimpse of the fact that you are a vital part of this cycle. As such, you may sense what is profound and powerful in you and your life, or what is wasteful and degenerate - but you will probably have to peer or delve some way beneath surface appearances in order to do so. You may also encounter manipulators of this power - be they benign or malignant. It could well become necessary for you to let go of decadent elements, and strive towards regenerative ones.

Tuesday 13th September

Love At Odds With Life - Love Life Laid Bare - Lovers' Tiffs

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Sun from 13th to 16th September 2022. Exact 15th September

You can now have the classic Venusian experience of, or opportunity for love, romance, beauty, value or anything else that makes life worth living. It is also a good time to go out or get down to finding such things. On the other hand, what happens is that the level and quality of romantic or social involvement in your life is now apparent and intensified.

The effect can therefore be anything from having a really good time to feeling in need of having a good time, from looking good to feeling how uphill it is trying to look good, from experiencing love and life as sweet and fulfilling to feeling that everything is superficial and of little value. A purchase can be just what you wanted, or turn out later to be an indulgent waste of money.

In the end, Venus is about finding love, beauty and value in whatever circumstances you are in, and not fretting after something that is missing or wanting. Stop wanting and start having; stop craving and start giving. And beauty is only skin deep if that is only as far as you look!

Also on Tuesday

Loving Sex - Ease of Expression - Party Time

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Venus from 13th to 19th September 2022. Exact 16th September

This is a wonderful time for physically enjoying yourself. Your senses are more than usually responsive to stimulation, and others are also more responsive to your actions. You can now discover (or improve) your ability to 'hit the spot' - either in an intimate situation or in company. You are more attuned to striking a balance between getting and giving, and to the fact that mutual pleasure is pleasure indeed. Artistic pursuits are also highlighted during this period.

Saturday 17th September

Going With The Flow - Attuned To Spirit - Creativity and Entertainment

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 17th to 20th September 2022. Exact 19th September

This is a fine, subtle influence, which you could miss unless you are alive to the unseen, mystical or imaginative elements of life and your personality. Any kind of creative or spiritual pursuit - either active or passive - is propitious under this planetary effect. You are more attuned to subtle and emotional vibrations than usual, and possibly sense that struggling with issues only prolongs or complicates them. An enjoyable time listening to, or playing music, communing with Nature, or any activity involving the sea, are some of the possibilities right now.

Sunday 18th September

Highlighting Uniqueness and Individuality - Expect the Unexpected

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 18th to 21st September 2022. Exact 20th September

How you experience this influence has everything to do with how in touch you are with what is special about life in general and yourself in particular. If you have allowed your life to become too routine and predictable, then something (or someone) could appear on the scene to give you a shock or a jolt, or at least remind you that the world is a wild and extraordinary place. Alternatively, you could be the one to shock others by revealing what is rebellious or highly original about you. Why not make this a date with the unexpected by doing something you'd never normally do? Then, with the element of surprise on your side, there's no telling what new ideas or vistas could open up in front of you!

Tuesday 20th September

Deep or Obsessive Love - Powerful Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 20th to 23rd September 2022. Exact 22nd September

You find you feel deeply for someone or something, or that you want to, or that you cannot get someone or something out of your system. In any event, you are experiencing the depth and power of love or attraction - and what you do with it is down to your deepest values. Such a feeling can actually turn up as someone who you feel strongly drawn to. It may or may not be mutual, it all depends upon that deeper state of your emotional being - is it attracting or repelling.

There is a 'Beauty and the Beast' quality to this influence, in that you could experience one or both of these extremes, with someone else on the other end, so to speak. The gulf between what is regarded as appealing and presentable as against what usually has to hide its face, feel anti-social, is a possibility now.

The trick is to go deep but not too deep, to appreciate face values, but not regard them as the entire picture. Be on guard against being manipulated - value yourself above all else - or of manipulating someone yourself, because you would only entrench yourself or get more than you bargained for. Possessiveness and jealousy can rear their heads now, which has something to do with being more in touch with what does and does not constitute genuine love.

Wednesday 21st September

Communicating with Conviction - Mental Stimulation

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mercury from 21st to 27th September 2022. Exact 24th September

You may now put your point across to others in a direct and decisive way. Or conversely, you are now more than usually able to grasp a given issue. So this is a good time for studying, any kind of verbal interaction, or making your position clear. You are generally more dexterous and co-ordinated, so tasks or pursuits - like driving, sports, quizzes, etc - are well-starred at present.

Friday 23th September


Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 23rd to 26th September 2022. Exact 25th September

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Saturday 24th September

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 24th to 27th September 2022. Exact 26th September

Any feelings or ideas regarding love, sex, music or art - or social life generally - are now nicely attuned to your ideals and visions of a better life. None of this is particularly dynamic, but this gentle, almost 'hippie' type, influence can be very enjoyable. This is a good time to put aside for any pursuit or pastime that comes into these categories.

Also on Saturday


The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune from 24th to 28th September 2022. Exact 27th September

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Sunday 25th September

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 25th to 28th September 2022. Exact 27th September

Whatever is out of the ordinary regarding sexual, social, creative or romantic involvements can appear out of the blue now. By the very nature of this influence it is hard to say what will happen. For the same reason it is best not to put too much store by whatever does, because it will most probably be a flash-in-the-pan kind of occurrence. Experimental, shocking or odd - whatever happens now can be anything from extremely exciting to somehow detached - or both even.

This influence can trigger the start of an exciting relationship, but it does not predict which way it will go, because the only assurance as far as Uranus is concerned is that you can expect the unexpected; so be ready to be woken up to something new. Significant coincidences can happen now, trying to tell you something about how love and life tick. Sudden attractions and/or breaks in relationships can also occur.

Forecast for October 2022

Sunday 2nd October

Highlighting Personal Drive, Sex Life, Courage and Decisiveness

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mars from 2nd to 5th October 2022. Exact 4th October


Mars is symbolic of that force within and around you which makes it possible to go for, and get something or someone; it also represents the urge and the right to do so. How good, bad or indifferent you are when it comes to expressing your Mars qualities is currently an issue. Being active, independent, forthright or bold now, is a sign that you know what you are after, and how and when to act. Experiencing anger, abusiveness or excessive use of force (either in yourself or another), would be a sign that you need to look at what you yourself are angry about, at what you want, and at what you must do in order to obtain it, or so that you no longer want it.

Also on Sunday

Highlighting Status and Responsibilities, Caution and Doubts

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Saturn from 2nd to 5th October 2022. Exact 4th October

This period doesn't exactly find you in a party mood, but it does put you in a sober frame of mind that should enable you to get down to identifying what is (and what is not) required of you, and what is blocking your progress or view. The main trouble is that the pressure will be upon you to do just this. It is attempting to duck your responsibilities that would give you a hard time. Equally though, the thanklessness of tasks done out of a blind sense of duty, or born of fear, also shows up now. Even though this period lasts only a few days, time passes slowly, so use it to reflect coolly and carefully upon your position in life, without feeling panicky or depressed about it. Notwithstanding what else is indicated at present, the time to act comes later, after having made your purpose and obligation clearer.

Also on Sunday

Triggering Fate - Stimulating Powerful Urges

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 2nd to 9th October 2022. Exact 6th October

Hot and Heavy!

This can spark off things that have a long-lasting effect, because you feel strongly about anything that is currently happening to you, and so you are liable to act upon it. For example, this could involve a sexual encounter that has a deep affect upon you, or an intense meeting or conflict with someone, or anything that really gets to you - possibly in an obsessive way. Your 'gun' is 'loaded' right now, so be careful where you point it. Stay away from any areas that are potentially violent or dangerous. Using this sense of power that you currently feel can be very effective if used wisely, or quite damaging if used in a mean, manipulative or unaware fashion.

Tuesday 4th October

Career Advances or Opportunities - Managing Home and Business

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 4th to 7th October 2022. Exact 6th October

At this time you feel more able to see a balance or connection between who you are in public and who you are in private. Examples of this could be bringing a colleague home, or introducing a family member to the way you work. Also, if you have been paying too much attention to one area and not enough to the other, you can now see how to accomplish this, and begin to do so.

Wednesday 5th October

Being In Tune - Social Harmony - Making The Peace

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 5th to 8th October 2022. Exact 7th October

Things are promising socially right now, and if there is a love interest, then you can be fairly sure that, if things are going to go your way at all, they will do so now. Making amends, launching any social event, being artistically creative or entertained - these are all liable to go with a swing at this time.

Also on Wednesday

The Inspired Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 5th to 8th October 2022. Exact 7th October

If you've been after an answer, or inspiration, from out of the ether, then this is the time you're very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, and then - magic! Doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature is profitable, or advisable, at this time. Any experience involving the natural, or spirit, world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Thursday 6th October

Love At Odds With Sex - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 6th to 9th October 2022. Exact 8th October

You are very much in the mood for sexual and/or romantic experience, or simply to feel socially alive. Depending upon your temperament and availability, such an experience, or at least the opportunity for it, could arise right now, or, it would be a good time to plan for such an occasion, or, failing all of these, it could be a time of frustration if these matters have been put on the backburner.

Then again, out of the blue could come an experience that kind of pleasurably highlights the current state of affairs in your love/sex/social life - even precipitating you into an affair or relationship. All in all though, this has the potential to be an enjoyable and exciting time - but be wary of your own shortcomings with respect to these areas being exposed. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else.

Also on Thursday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 6th to 9th October 2022. Exact 8th October

You experience the serious or very real side of love and social involvement now. This is not a time for having fun and letting your hair down, so do not plan for this or get frustrated trying to make it so. More than likely your partner, or people in general, will come across as sober and responsible now - or in need of such qualities. If you are not with anyone, you can feel more alone than usual, or, if you are prepared to take a serious rather than cynical look, you can get the measure of why you are unattached.

If this is truly not an issue under this influence, then you can probably congratulate yourself on being genuinely self-sufficient. By and large though, this period is inclined to show up the warts and weaknesses in your love and social life, including the pressure to do something about it. In any event, this means being emotionally mature and responsible and doing what has to done, even though it is difficult. In time, such commitment will prove to be well worth it. On a financial level, you may well have to read the writing on the wall here instead, or as well, getting real about money being the call of the day.

Friday 7th October

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 7th to 9th October 2022. Exact 9th October

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Also on Friday

Charity Begins At Home - Domestic Harmony - Loving Family

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 7th to 10th October 2022. Exact 9th October

This is a mild influence that should help you to use your skills to blend your working and private life, to get one to serve the other. Any artistic or creative flair or project can now gain support from both official and personal spheres.

Sunday 9th October

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Enhanced - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 9th to 11th October 2022. Exact 10th October

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that, at times, you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Also on Sunday

Working Well - Being On The Case - Making Contacts and Connections

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 9th to 12th October 2022. Exact 11th October

You work and communicate well now, and are generally on the ball with respect to any matters that relate to the daily business of living. You also have a better sense of the pros and cons of how you normally go about such things, giving you the opportunity to correct poor attitudes or methods, and to make the most of, or improve upon, the good ones.

Also on Sunday

Strong Feelings - Spontaneous Actions - Feeling Vibrant

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 9th to 21st October 2022. Exact 15th October

At present you experience a natural flow of energy into whatever pursuits further your needs. So, any activity that requires lively responses or consistent emotions, such as a challenging task or satisfying a desire, is well-starred right now. Also, you are able to stand your ground without appearing guarded and unsure of yourself. Your current emotional state is likely to attract the very people or events that give you the feeling of being alive and going somewhere.

Tuesday 11th October

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 14th October 2022. Exact 13th October

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Saturday 15th October

Feeling Split - Emotional Awareness - Facing the Facts

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Moon from 15th to 18th October 2022. Exact 17th October

You could find yourself in two minds about a certain issue. Such could, in turn, give rise to discontent and conflict of purpose. You may find yourself in disputes with family members, or be feeling generally at odds with the world around you. Succumbing to such negative feelings would, however, be missing the point as this influence offers you the opportunity to see the emotional score, to be less subjective, read the writing on the wall and obey what it says. You can sort out problems as long as you are emotionally honest enough to accept that which is your responsibility and that which is someone else's - because this is now being made clear.

Sunday 16th October

Emotional Discomfort - Discord with/between Females - Let It Be

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Moon from 16th to 19th October 2022. Exact 18th October

This need not necessarily be a difficult time - it can in fact turn out to be quite pleasurable. However, there is an inclination for social and domestic needs to get in the way of one another. This can also include disharmony on the home front, conflict between mother and lover, or being too accommodating and having to pay the price. Inherent in all this though, is a need for peace, so that upsets are usually righted quite soon afterwards. Feelings and values may clash, but the requirements of security and harmony eventually hold sway.

Monday 17th October

Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 17th to 19th October 2022. Exact 18th October

It's as if everything has bells on now, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. There's a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret, so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter. You may feel justified in getting heated over a certain issue, but there is a strong possibility that, ultimately, the only satisfaction you'll get is from merely feeling justified. Your 'opponent' if so disposed, could make you eat your words at a later date, or you may not have a 'later date' to say anything at all; justifiable or otherwise.

At this time it pays to look at what it is in you that causes you to feel ineffectual (or overlooked) in any way. This will not only supply you with useful information which you can then do something constructive about, but it would prevent you having a run in with someone, or something, (like a car or sharp object) that has nothing to do with it - other than the fact that they trigger your anger and frustration born of a complex about self-assertion and getting what you want in life.

Also on Monday

Need To Classify Thinking - Heavy Thoughts - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 17th to 19th October 2022. Exact 18th October

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time.

It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Tuesday 18th October

Home and Business Connections - Knowing Your Pitch

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 18th to 20th October 2022. Exact 19th October

You now see clearly how your home and working life are dependent upon each other, and are able to balance your interests and investments in these respects. Getting private and professional figures and concerns to co-operate comes easier now. You see the whole picture and can manage 'you and yours' more efficiently.

Wednesday 19th October

Loving Words - Artistic Expression - The Art of Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 19th to 21st October 2022. Exact 20th October

You know what pleases now - be it for yourself or someone else. At the same time, you know what doesn't please! All this gives you a good sense of what appeals or sells, so this is an excellent time for putting together anything that you want to go down well. Art, public relations, discussion, performing, charm and amusement - these are some of the things the positive expression, or experience, of which are at your fingertips right now. If you wish to make known what's on your mind in an appreciable or agreeable way - do it now.

Thursday 20th October

Flow of Communication - Working and Thinking Well - Connected

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 20th to 23rd October 2022. Exact 22nd October

All Mercurial activities, such as mental or manual work, studying, communications, travel, contact making, etc., are highlighted now. You're generally on good form intellectually, and seem to pick the right moment to make that call, the right way to say something, and to put your finger on the easiest solution. Co-operative ventures and interactions with those who live nearby (or siblings) are also well starred.

Also on Thursday

Positive Thinking - Knowing The Plan - Goodwill - Luck

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd October 2022. Exact 22nd October

You are in a good frame of mind now as you're in touch with the better sides of your life and personality. It's as if you can see how you fit in with the greater whole; you feel that everything is for the best, and you have some sense of how things will pan out alright. So, with anything that is particularly oiled by having Lady Luck on your side, now is a good time to go for it - notwithstanding other influences to the contrary. You are also quite likely to encounter positive and encouraging people at this time.

Friday 21st October

Love And Goodwill - Fun And Generosity - Joie De Vivre - Lady Luck

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 21st to 23rd October 2022. Exact 22nd October

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

Any activity that requires you to put out a good or generous vibe is best booked for now. You are luckier than at other times - but bear in mind that gambling can have an agenda all of its own so paradoxically, do not bet on it! It is better by far to see and experience this influence as a gift from the gods - but on the gods' terms. This means to say that there is something good in the air, but do not presume on it being 'good' in precisely the way you think you want it to mean. It is really an opportunity to find out what 'good' actually means.

Saturday 22nd October

Love In The Air - Attractive Presentation - Social Pleasures

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 25th October 2022. Exact 24th October

You have a friendly, attractive aura now. So whatever it is you wish to attract, win over or simply make feel good, now is the time! You may well notice this by having someone attractive come your way. Venus being Venus however, there is no guarantee as to whether such an encounter is the real thing or just a tease. It all depends what you yourself are prone to right now. Make sure you are aware of your own worth and talent now, and do not lose yourself in someone else's apparent charms.

Also on Saturday

Highlighting Presentation - Putting Yourself Across Well

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 25th October 2022. Exact 24th October

It's as if you now have some natural spotlight shining upon you - or you yourself are the spotlight for others, illuminating that which needs clarifying or affirming. Any event that needs to look good or go off well can be arranged now - providing you know that your birth time is absolutely accurate, because any influence to your Ascendant (or Midheaven) depends upon this being the case. In fact, if you feel this spotlight at some time near but not during this time, this would be an opportunity to rectify your birth time; so see an astrologer if this is the case.

Monday 24th October

Logic Versus Feelings - Gossip and Trivia

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Moon from 24th to 26th October 2022. Exact 26th October

Time could be wasted with gossiping and small talk - but then again, it might be this very thing that makes you feel in tune with your immediate environment. You are more mentally in touch with your feelings at this time, so you may learn a lot on this front, as well as making it clear to others how you feel and, conversely, receiving from them how they feel. Saying too much could be something to watch out for, as too would be getting into a confrontation with somebody who lives close by, a colleague or family member. Then again, it could be precisely such a confrontation that makes you more aware of your own and another's feelings, generally speaking or with regard to some specific matter.

Thursday 27th October

Seeing the Whole - Getting a Plan - Philosophical Thinking

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 27th to 30th October 2022. Exact 29th October

Preparation and furtherance are the allies available to you at present. Having all the facts at your fingertips, seeing how the general fits in with the particular, linking the local to the global, the everyday to the profound - perceptions like these now come more easily to you, allowing you to put forward, create or resolve whatever issues are in front of you. Whether it is finding the meaning of things, or translating one thing into another, your deductive mind and intuitive mind are now working in concert. Now is the time when you can accurately get the picture; or be put in it.

Friday 28th October

On The Ball - Getting Around Locally and/or Mentally

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 28th to 31st October 2022. Exact 30th October

Life is interesting and busy at this time. Useful contacts, stimulating people and subjects cross your path. If you have to look anyone or anything up, you're more likely than usual to make the right connections, possess good timing. You could also receive a significant communication, or even the one you have been waiting for, especially if there are other activities occurring that indicate positive events.

Monday 31st October

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life Issues

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 31st October 2022 to 3rd November 2022. Exact 2nd November

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also highlighted - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Also on Monday

Home/Work Conflicts - Spread A Little Happiness

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 31st October 2022 to 3rd November 2022. Exact 2nd November

Love and social life are now inclined to get in the way of your professional or domestic concerns. A case of business and pleasure not mixing, you could say. This could just be a passing thing, or then again, it could be something more weighty and important making itself felt. Being diplomatic and as pleasant as possible to whoever you have dealings with is the best course now.

Forecast for November 2022

Monday 31st October

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life Issues

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 31st October 2022 to 3rd November 2022. Exact 2nd November

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also highlighted - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Also on Monday

Home/Work Conflicts - Spread A Little Happiness

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 31st October 2022 to 3rd November 2022. Exact 2nd November

Love and social life are now inclined to get in the way of your professional or domestic concerns. A case of business and pleasure not mixing, you could say. This could just be a passing thing, or then again, it could be something more weighty and important making itself felt. Being diplomatic and as pleasant as possible to whoever you have dealings with is the best course now.

Wednesday 2nd November

Spending Too Much - Spending Too Little - Indulgence or Pleasure?

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 2nd to 4th November 2022. Exact 3rd November

This is not really a problem except that you are inclined to overdo it - or conversely, not push the boat out enough. It all depends on what place you give to love and pleasure in your life. If you are naturally generous, affectionate or fun loving, then this time will probably be enjoyable for you - although you might have a hangover or blown budget to contend with afterwards!

If you usually have a hard time giving of yourself and being socially satisfied, this influence is trying to show you why, and how you could remedy such a dilemma. The secret is generosity - on any or all levels - to be aware that another's happiness is ultimately your own too. Without tuning into Venus in a positive way, you can simply feel more anti-social, unattractive, or worthless.

Also on Wednesday

Smooth Running - Opening Doors - No Worries

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 2nd to 5th November 2022. Exact 4th November

You are 'in sync' with life today - at least, in the context of whatever else is going on for you astrologically at this time. So now is when you can gain co-operation from others, and be generally in tune and in gear. You could also receive assistance from someone; someone who possibly has power or authority.

Thursday 3rd November

Private Life/Public Life Balance - Parental Conflicts

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 6th November 2022. Exact 5th November

Try and meet both personal and business obligations equally, even though everything will be coming at you from all sides. This only lasts a few days, so don't over-react to difficulties and thereby make things as bad as they momentarily appear to be.

Friday 4th November

Easy Communication - Getting Work Done

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 4th to 6th November 2022. Exact 6th November

You feel 'wired in' to what's most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. You are more able to co-ordinate your efforts and deliberations with those of other people at this time, so coming to agreements, and getting good work done on a co-operative basis, are strongly highlighted. Travel arrangements and making connections are far more likely to go smoothly too.

Also on Friday

Bad Buys - Indiscretion - Feelings At Odds With Words

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 4th to 7th November 2022. Exact 6th November

Feelings and values are presently in conflict with how things are seen or communicated. This can give rise to misunderstandings, especially between loved ones. You should be careful not to let a molehill be turned into a mountain, because really this influence should only amount to a 'life and life only' type of irritation that has no real lasting effect.

However, if there is something bigger brewing beneath the surface, then this could bring it out in the open. But it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, so with a bit of self control and a few well chosen, preferably loving, words, a gain rather than a loss could be on the cards. Apart from these more serious areas, be on your guard against impulse buys or retorts you later come to regret.

Also on Friday

Highlighting Love Life, Pleasure, Material and Social Values

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 4th to 7th November 2022. Exact 6th November

What shows now is the 'state of the art'. In other words, whatever you are doing, or not doing, with regard to filling your own and others' lives with some love and beauty is brought to your attention. So such areas as relationships, arts and crafts, social activities, buying and spending, or things that add a sweetness to life are presently to the fore. Positively, this can take the form of generosity, a love encounter, a party, a general sense of happiness, or anything that helps to make life attractive and more worth living. Negatively, finding yourself being mean, lonely, indulgent, excessive, vain or superficial would point to the fact that a genuine sense of worth, and the ability to give or receive love, is somewhat lacking in your life.

Saturday 5th November

Bad Connections at Home or at Work

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 5th to 7th November 2022. Exact 6th November

Your private and public lives tend to get in the way of one another at this time. Try to create a balance here, and avoid feeling frustrated if nothing seems to gel or if things become unstuck, because this influence is brief as a rule.

Also on Saturday

Not Saying or Seeing It Right - The Need for Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 5th to 8th November 2022. Exact 7th November

This is a time when logical thought is at odds with the emotional, or aesthetic, side of life. Not seeing eye-to-eye with a member of the opposite sex is highly likely, because one of you wants to make sense of things, while the other wants to feel right about something. One of you might want to talk, while the other wants to experience affection or sensual pleasure. None of this poses a big problem - unless you let it - because this is just a passing phase, a time when you are out of 'sync' with whoever is close to you.

It's also a time when work issues can get in the way of personal ones, or vice versa, so avoid mixing business with pleasure. If you already have been doing so, then this could prove an awkward time for you. Sorting out love problems is quite likely, and desirable too. But be wary of the above described inclination to speak in different 'languages' to one another. Try to meet each other half way - it's the only way at present.

Monday 7th November

Loving Deeply - Genuine Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 7th to 10th November 2022. Exact 9th November

You are drawn to what is deep and dark - but probably without feeling controlled or compromised by such a feeling, such as can often be the case. If in a relationship, you now have the experience, or opportunity, of feeling in touch with the nucleus of what binds you together, yet in a way that is very right, fated even. This influence could possibly trigger the start of an important relationship, but there would probably have to be other, longer standing planetary effects to make it so.

Tuesday 8th November

Disagreement - Nervous Energy - The Devil Makes Work For Idle Hands

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 8th to 10th November 2022. Exact 9th November

Irritation, a lack of relevance, bad communication, work setbacks, inappropriate thinking - these are some of the things that could dog you at present. To avoid such frustrations, or simply feeling at a loose end, find an optimum environment for getting down to what has to be done. This could well mean working on your own somewhere, or keeping intrusions down to a minimum in some other way.

All forms of communication could become a nuisance, or be unreliable, with the proverbial wires getting crossed. Again, seek to lessen difficulties by avoiding having to make important decisions dependent upon making a specific contact or travel connection. Look for a more suitable time for such activities.

Also on Tuesday

State of Mind - Stimulating Interests - Highlighting Anxieties

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 8th to 11th November 2022. Exact 10th November

Life's spotlight is focused upon the way you think and perceive things now. So, this can mean many things, depending upon what you have currently been doing with your mental faculties, or to your nervous system. Studying, planning, reading, short distance travel, making conversation, arguing the point, gossiping, worrying, or just plain thinking - these are some examples of Mercurial activities that are presently being intensified. This means that more energy is available to you for putting into one or more of these situations, or that you should learn to slow down, trust, think and talk a little less, and listen and feel more.

Thursday 10th November

Sleuthing It - Powerful Words and Thoughts - Deep Study

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 10th to 12th November 2022. Exact 12th November

If you have a job to do that requires your undivided attention; do it now. Not only is your mind on relatively good form, and can work into the night, you are also in the frame of mind where you can repel any interference powerfully, even ruthlessly, if need be. You know that you have to see whatever it is through, no matter what.

Friday 11th November

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 11th to 14th November 2022. Exact 13th November

The most romantic and ideal, but equally the most fanciful and illusory, experiences can come your way now. You are more inclined to fall in love or lust, or to be made a fool of, for that matter. A more reliable expression or use of this influence is to involve yourself with some creative work, have a special time out with someone you have genuine love feelings for, or simply take in a good movie.

A new relationship can arise under this influence - but remember that 'under the influence' can be all it amounts to unless you have at least one foot on the ground. Platonic involvements are quite likely - or they turn out to be! Be that as it may, this can promise to be a pleasurable, if rather heady, time. All of the above could equally just take place in your head. On a more mundane note, you could find just the item you were after, or thought you were! Very much a 'what's real?' type of time, so do not take anything at face value - be it exciting or depressing.

Monday 7th November


Strong Feelings - Spontaneous Actions - Feeling Vibrant

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Moon from 7th to 18th November 2022. Exact 14th November

At present you experience a natural flow of energy into whatever pursuits further your needs. So, any activity that requires lively responses or consistent emotions, such as a challenging task or satisfying a desire, is well-starred right now. Also, you are able to stand your ground without appearing guarded and unsure of yourself. Your current emotional state is likely to attract the very people or events that give you the feeling of being alive and going somewhere.

Saturday 12th November

Repairs and Regeneration - Getting to the Bottom of It

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 12th to 15th November 2022. Exact 14th November

This is a good time to start any regimen, to turn things around, to eliminate anything that has been bothering you, or simply to put what's wrong right. You feel a power coursing through you, but it is a gentle and sure power - not one that is insisting you express it no matter what. Your powers of concentration, and your stamina - be it physical, mental or emotional - are stronger than usual, so any demanding activity is better pursued at this time.

Also on Saturday

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 12th to 15th November 2022. Exact 14th November

There is a sparkle to sexual, social or creative activities. A certain type of freeness pervades your involvements that can give rise to new forms of pleasure or expression, exciting contacts and new groups of people. This is a good time to get out and experiment with life and society to see what it has on offer. Gatherings go with a swing, people show their more original or quirky sides.

Sunday 13th November

The Inspired or Confused Mind - Mystical or Psychic Attunement

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 13th to 15th November 2022. Exact 15th November

If you've been after an answer or inspiration from out of the ether, then this is the time you are very likely to receive it. This doesn't mean to say that it will come whatever you're doing. It may, but it would be better to be focused upon the issue of your concern, then - magic! Furthermore, not doing anything of a creative, therapeutic or entertaining nature at this time is possibly asking to attract absent-mindedness or strange, even paranoid, ideas. Any experience involving the natural or spirit world is good 'medicine' right now - it may even come to you unbidden.

Monday 14th November

Overdoing It - Pleasure Versus Morality - Overspending

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 14th to 16th November 2022. Exact 15th November

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

You feel luckier than at other times - but that feeling will very likely prove thoroughly unreliable! Any kind of promise now, made by you or to you, could also prove hard to keep, so a bit of caution and a pinch of salt is required at present.

Also on Monday

Synchronicity - Being In The Know - Unusual Connections

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 14th to 16th November 2022. Exact 15th November

Being mentally in tune with new ideas, methods and technology is the advantage that this influence offers you. It's as if you can intuitively put your finger on whatever (or whomever) you need to make contact with. This is quite simply a time when you are on good mental and verbal form - so earmark it for those tasks and appointments that require such mental acuity.

Tuesday 15th November

Saying Too Much - Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th November 2022. Exact 16th November

You are now put in touch with all you need to know. However, this can be a double-edged weapon, because on the one hand it could find you able to manage various items or activities into an effective whole, or, on the other hand, find you confused as ideas and conflicting considerations flood your mind, giving rise to a 'brain jam'. Marshalling your thoughts is therefore both the issue and the opportunity at present. Ultimately, you're gaining some kind of understanding now, be it about something specific or something general.

Out of this, a philosophical overview can be arrived at, thereby accommodating anything that is presently going on in your life. Another possible expression is thinking, speaking and/or acting out of a sense of opinion rather than a firm fact. Such succumbing to generalities posing as the truth could set you up for embarrassment or a lot of wasted time, or both, as you bluff and exaggerate your way into, or out of, something. So, get the facts straight - that is, of course, unless you're quite happy to pontificate. Dealing with foreign matters (or people) could also be an issue now - again, worthy of detailed consideration.

Wednesday 16th November

Highlighting Sensitivity - Idealism/Escapism - Compassion/Weaknesses

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 16th to 19th November 2022. Exact 18th November

What is brought to light now is something that has been happening outside of your conscious awareness, or has been kept out of sight. Obviously this can mean any number of things, for example: finding out something that's been going on behind your back, or discovering a mysterious dimension of reality you only ever dreamt of; becoming conscious of the fact that you identify more closely with certain others and their hopes and fears, or weak spots being exposed in yourself or others. In any event, it is important that you keep a firm grip on reality, yet, at the same time, remain open to fact or notion that we are all mysteriously united in some way. Generally speaking, your ego is less resilient than usual, so take a back seat and watch life's picture show if you don't feel up to starring in it. Also, be extra careful with drink or drugs because highs and lows are presently very interchangeable.

Friday 18th November

Waking up to The Truth - Light upon The Future - The New and Unusual

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 18th to 21st November 2022. Exact 20th November

Whatever else may be going on in your life, this influence helps you to see it as part of a greater pattern or long term process of development. You also gain insights into what is unique about yourself, and others too - and you begin to appreciate more what freedom actually means. Additionally, this is a good time to involve yourself with subjects that take a greater overview of life, like science and technology, astronomy, astrology, psychology, etc.

Saturday 19th November

Highlighting Expansiveness and Faith - A Sense of Greatness

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

Whatever it is that you are like normally, now you are more so! Essentially, you are experiencing an urge to grow beyond yourself, and to understand matters in a more comprehensive and philosophical way. So, if you do have something of this nature in mind, then now is the time to make it (begin to) happen. But what you allow yourself, and others, to do or be, has everything to do with your moral viewpoint, which is presently a vital issue. So for a more rewarding life, now and in the future, you would be wise to cultivate an optimistic and big hearted attitude, and to be mindful that biting off more than you can chew, or making empty promises, is a sure sign that you are pretending to be larger than life, rather than actually being as large as life.

Friday 18th November


Triggering Fate - Stimulating Powerful Urges

Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Pluto from 18th to 25th November 2022. Exact 22nd November

Hot and Heavy!

This can spark off things that have a long-lasting effect, because you feel strongly about anything that is currently happening to you, and so you are liable to act upon it. For example, this could involve a sexual encounter that has a deep affect upon you, or an intense meeting or conflict with someone, or anything that really gets to you - possibly in an obsessive way. Your 'gun' is 'loaded' right now, so be careful where you point it. Stay away from any areas that are potentially violent or dangerous. Using this sense of power that you currently feel can be very effective if used wisely, or quite damaging if used in a mean, manipulative or unaware fashion.

Wednesday 23th November

Healthy Self-Assertion - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Your mind is now in gear with your body, so anything that needs such an advantage, plan for now if you can. Sports, debate, selling, effective communication, getting your foot in the door - these are just some of the pursuits that you're presently more likely to excel in than you would normally. Any job which has been daunting for you, and you've been putting off - set to work on it now.

Also on Wednesday

Getting Down To It - Efficient Thinking and Speaking - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 23rd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Now you can do with relative ease those boring tasks that you might usually put off. Mental discipline comes more naturally to you now, and people in authority (like bosses or officials), can be dealt with more effectively - they themselves will also seem more amenable or efficient. Any kind of work, study or communication is highlighted now, but more so the practical rather than the creative type. You find it easier, and more immediately satisfying, to get your affairs in order. Things fall into place, especially if you do, or have done, the groundwork.

Also on Wednesday

Communication Challenges - Pressing Work Issues - Spats

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 23rd to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

If you start feeling a bit overwrought during this time, then take few deep breaths - or better still - do some breathing exercises. If you are prone to insomnia, this influence could exacerbate it, because you're more than usually inclined to working everything out in your head. As your mind and ego are kind of hooked up together now, try not to blurt out the first thing that comes into your head since you may regret it. For the same reason, for maximum mental harmony, keep your mind focused only upon serious issues, or paradoxically, upon humorous ones. Arguing for arguing's sake could be a waste of time and energy now (and could also get you into hotter water than you'd bargained for)!

Also on Wednesday

Love And Sex - Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 23rd to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

This should go down in your diary as a time to have a good time socially, sexually or romantically - maybe all three! You are at your best with respect to these areas of your life and personality, so opportunity beckons. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else. There should be signs right now - big or small - that it is good to be alive.

Also on Wednesday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 23rd to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

This brings a period of relative stability in your love life, social involvements or financial affairs. What comprises such is now shown to you, so you can take stock of whatever that is and use it to build and secure these areas for the future. You are now more inclined to be economical and dutiful, without it feeling like a wet blanket. Partners are also inclined to be more responsible and mature at present.

Thursday 24th November

Home and Business Connections - Knowing Your Pitch

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 25th November

You now see clearly how your home and working life are dependent upon each other, and are able to balance your interests and investments in these respects. Getting private and professional figures and concerns to co-operate comes easier now. You see the whole picture and can manage 'you and yours' more efficiently.

Also on Thursday

Love At Odds With Life - Love Life Laid Bare - Lovers' Tiffs

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 24th to 26th November 2022. Exact 26th November

You can now have the classic Venusian experience of, or opportunity for love, romance, beauty, value or anything else that makes life worth living. It is also a good time to go out or get down to finding such things. On the other hand, what happens is that the level and quality of romantic or social involvement in your life is now apparent and intensified.

The effect can therefore be anything from having a really good time to feeling in need of having a good time, from looking good to feeling how uphill it is trying to look good, from experiencing love and life as sweet and fulfilling to feeling that everything is superficial and of little value. A purchase can be just what you wanted or turn out later to be an indulgent waste of money.

In the end, Venus is about finding love, beauty and value in whatever circumstances you are in, and not fretting after something that is missing or wanting. Stop wanting and start having; stop craving and start giving. And beauty is only skin deep if that is only as far as you look!

Also on Thursday

All The World Loves A Lover - Attracting Status - Finding Approval

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 24th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

This is a mild influence that should help you to use your skills to blend your working and private life, to get one to serve the other. Any artistic or creative flair or project can now gain support from both official and personal spheres.

Friday 25th November

Loving Words - Artistic Expression - The Art of Diplomacy

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 25th to 27th November 2022. Exact 26th November

You know what pleases now - be it for yourself or someone else. At the same time, you know what doesn't please! All this gives you a good sense of what appeals or sells, so this is an excellent time for putting together anything that you want to go down well. Art, public relations, discussion, performing, charm and amusement - these are some of the things the positive expression, or experience, of which are at your fingertips right now. If you wish to make known what's on your mind in an appreciable or agreeable way - do it now.

Saturday 26th November

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Enhanced - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 26th to 28th November 2022. Exact 27th November

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that at times you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Sunday 27th November

Flow of Communication - Working and Thinking Well - Connected

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 27th to 29th November 2022. Exact 28th November

All Mercurial activities, such as mental or manual work, studying, communications, travel, contact making, etc., are highlighted now. You are generally on good form intellectually, and seem to pick the right moment to make that call, the right way to say something, and to put your finger on the easiest solution. Co-operative ventures and interactions with those who live nearby (or siblings) are also well starred.

Monday 28th November

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 28th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 30th November

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Forecast for December 2022

Tuesday 29th November

Sleuthing It - Mental Preoccupation - Disturbing Undercurrents

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 29th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022. Exact 1st December

Whatever rouses you, or demands your complete attention, is going to appear on the scene now. This could be in the form of a letter, a conversation, a book, or even an old question or feeling that pops to the surface to be looked into. Things that involve a mystery, like a whodunit, can really grab you at this time. Crime, the underworld, or the seamy side of life can also suck you in - but probably only on a mental level - but watch it, all the same. Having to perform work that requires deep concentration is very possible.

Thursday 1st December

Contacting Feelings - Easy Conversation - Interest and Sympathy

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 1st to 3rd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

Things are more likely to fall into place now because you have a greater than usual sense of give and take. You talk, but also listen, and vice versa. Enquiry is met with relevant response. Allowed to run on like this, this period can become very stimulating and informative, both emotionally and intellectually. Any intercommunications, personal or business, are highlighted at this time.

Wednesday 30th November


Communicating with Conviction - Mental Stimulation

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Mercury from 30th November 2022 to 6th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

You may now put your point across to others in a direct and decisive way. Or conversely, you are now more than usually able to grasp a given issue. So this is a good time for studying, any kind of verbal interaction, or making your position clear. You are generally more dexterous and co-ordinated, so tasks or pursuits - like driving, sports, quizzes, etc - are well-starred at present.

Thursday 1st December

Deep or Obsessive Love - Powerful Attraction - Sexual Guilt

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

You find you feel deeply for someone or something, or that you want to, or that you cannot get someone or something out of your system. In any event, you are experiencing the depth and power of love or attraction - and what you do with it is down to your deepest values. Such a feeling can actually turn up as someone who you feel strongly drawn to. It may or may not be mutual, it all depends upon that deeper state of your emotional being - is it attracting or repelling?

There is a 'Beauty and the Beast' quality to this influence, in that you could experience one or both of these extremes, with someone else on the other end, so to speak. The gulf between what is regarded as appealing and presentable as against what usually has to hide its face, feel anti-social, is a possibility now.

The trick is to go deep but not too deep, to appreciate face values, but not regard them as the entire picture. Be on guard against being manipulated - value yourself above all else - or of manipulating someone yourself, because you would only entrench yourself or get more than you bargained for. Possessiveness and jealousy can rear their heads now, which has something to do with being more in touch with what does and does not constitute genuine love. Handled right, you can get the best of both worlds: intense pleasure, deep feelings, and profound love.

Also on Thursday

Getting Things Done - Healthy Self-Assertion - Feeling Fit

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

Getting down to things, opening doors, launching yourself with energy and enthusiasm, attaining the object of your desires - these are some of the advantages of this influence. In proportion to your usual powers of self-assertion, asserting yourself in any way is in tune with the general way of things at present.

Also on Thursday

A Sense of Order - Highlighting Discipline and Economy

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 1st to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

You should be functioning well over these few days, so it's a good time to get more systematic, devise a plan, or even embark upon some important undertaking - assuming other indications are not inauspicious. You are, at present, more than usually inclined to get down to what needs doing without being, or feeling, distracted by issues that do not bear directly on the job in hand. You are now more disposed towards structure and efficiency than you are towards whims or sentimentality.

Friday 2nd December

Ego Conflicts - Me Versus The Rest - Cool It!

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 2nd to 5th December 2022. Exact 4th December

This is not a time to see eye to eye with others, because you are confrontation prone; whether you like it or not! You can use this affect to get a reading of how you, and another, or the world in general, squares up to you but, by and large, it is best during these few days either to take the line of least resistance, or to soldier on if needs must.

Saturday 3rd December

Career Advances or Opportunities - Managing Home and Business

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 6th December 2022. Exact 5th December

At this time you feel more able to see a balance or connection between who you are in public and who you are in private. Examples of this could be bringing a colleague home, or introducing a family member to the way you work. Also, if you have been paying too much attention to one area and not enough to the other, you can now see how to accomplish this, and begin to do so.

Also on Saturday

Scattered Thoughts - Stuck For Words - Indiscretion - Crossed Lines

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 3rd to 6th December 2022. Exact 5th December

Whatever is new or unusual now catches your interest. Then again, it might be a disruptive element that intrudes upon your working and thinking. In any event, some new method or style is available, or necessary. If you're in tune and in time with any necessary changes, then, as if by magic, the right person, thing or opportunity appears on your scene. If you're of a nervous disposition, you could feel more agitated than usual. If this is the case, do some deep breathing, or chill out in some way that you know works for you.

Your mind is speeded up now, and can be very alive to ideas and inventions. A great deal depends upon how procedure driven or free spirited you are. The former 'will' attracts disruption, the latter attracts innovation. Another interesting aspect of this influence is that you either find yourself stuck for words, losing your thread while speaking, or, you can be very intuitive and outspoken. Then again, you may find yourself speaking out of turn, or saying something inappropriate. Everything depends upon how informed you are regarding a given subject. Machines, especially computers, could play up now.

Also on Saturday

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 3rd to 6th December 2022. Exact 5th December

This is a very 'female' influence in that you are inclined to use charm and receptivity rather than drive and ambition. If you are usually disposed towards making things happen, now you are wise to let them happen as they will, because in this way the easiest solution or most attractive outcome will ensue. Any pursuits that require grace, diplomacy or artistic imagination, or occasions like domestic or family gatherings and parties are highlighted at this time.

Sunday 4th December

Seeing the Whole - Getting a Plan - Philosophical Thinking

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 4th to 7th December 2022. Exact 6th December

Preparation and furtherance are the allies available to you at present. Having all the facts at your fingertips, seeing how the general fits in with the particular, linking the local to the global, the everyday to the profound - perceptions like these now come more easily to you, allowing you to put forward, create or resolve whatever issues are in front of you. Whether it's finding the meaning of things, or translating one thing into another, your deductive mind and intuitive mind are now working in concert. Now is the time when you can accurately get the picture; or be put in it.

Also on Sunday

Being In Tune - Social Harmony - Making The Peace

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 4th to 7th December 2022. Exact 6th December

Things are promising socially right now, and if there is a love interest, then you can be fairly sure that, if things are going to go your way at all, they will do so now. Making amends, launching any social event, being artistically creative or entertained - these are all liable to go with a swing at this time.

Tuesday 6th December

On The Ball - Getting Around Locally and/or Mentally

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 6th to 8th December 2022. Exact 7th December

Life is interesting and busy at this time. Useful contacts, stimulating people and subjects cross your path. If you have to look anyone or anything up, you're more likely than usual to make the right connections, possess good timing. You could also receive a significant communication, or the even the one you've been waiting for; especially if there are other activities occurring that indicate positive events.

Also on Tuesday

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Possible Alienation

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 6th to 9th December 2022. Exact 8th December

Whatever is out of the ordinary regarding sexual, social, creative or romantic involvements can appear out of the blue now. By the very nature of this influence it is hard to say what will happen. For the same reason it is best not to put too much store by whatever does, because it will most probably be a flash-in-the-pan kind of occurrence.

Experimental, shocking or odd - whatever happens now can be anything from extremely exciting to somehow detached - or both even. This influence can trigger the start of an exciting relationship, but it does not predict which way it will go, because the only assurance as far as Uranus is concerned is that you can expect the unexpected; so be ready to be woken up to something new. Significant coincidences can happen now, trying to tell you something about how love and life tick. Sudden attractions and/or breaks in relationship can also occur.

Wednesday 7th December

Love And Goodwill - Fun And Generosity - Joie De Vivre - Lady Luck

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 7th to 10th December 2022. Exact 9th December

Depending on your usual propensity for good fortune or giving/having a good time, this influence will provide you with a strong sense and/or experience of what is enjoyable about life. Taking in anything that enlivens or entertains is very propitious now - whether you are in an active or passive role. You have a lust for life at present - but watch your pocket or appetite, unless you are quite prepared to say it was worth the price, no matter what.

Any activity that requires you to put out a good or generous vibe is best booked for now. You are luckier than at other times - but bear in mind that gambling can have an agenda all of its own so paradoxically, do not bet on it! It is better by far to see and experience this influence as a gift from the gods - but on the gods' terms. This means to say that there is something good in the air, but do not presume on it being 'good' in precisely the way you think you want it to mean. It is really an opportunity to find out what 'good' actually means.

Also on Wednesday

Working Well - Being On The Case - Making Contacts and Connections

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 7th to 10th December 2022. Exact 9th December

You work and communicate well now, and are generally on the ball with respect to any matters that relate to the daily business of living. You also have a better sense of the pros and cons of how you normally go about such things, giving you the opportunity to correct poor attitudes or methods, and to make the most of, or improve upon, the good ones.

Friday 9th December

Attractive Presentation - Working To Please - Social Investments

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 9th to 11th December 2022. Exact 11th December

This is an excellent time to be seen in your best light. Making presentations, performing, making a play for someone or something, even going down on bended knee - these are all highlighted under this influence. Generally, others are glad to have you around, and the feeling will probably be mutual.

Thursday 8th December


Loving Sex - Ease of Expression - Party Time

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Venus from 8th to 15th December 2022. Exact 12th December

This is a wonderful time for physically enjoying yourself. Your senses are more than usually responsive to stimulation, and others are also more responsive to your actions. You can now discover (or improve) your ability to 'hit the spot' - either in an intimate situation or in company. You are more attuned to striking a balance between getting and giving, and to the fact that mutual pleasure is pleasure indeed. Artistic pursuits are also highlighted during this period.

Sunday 11th December

Experiencing Power: Degeneration or Regeneration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 11th to 14th December 2022. Exact 13th December

The underlying fact of life that everything is born, evolves, decays, dies and is born again now enters your consciousness - in some way, great or small. The opportunity to tune into this cycle of birth and rebirth is well worth taking up, because it gives you a glimpse of the fact that you are a vital part of this cycle. As such, you may sense what is profound and powerful in you and your life, or what is wasteful and degenerate - but you will probably have to peer or delve some way beneath surface appearances in order to do so. You may also encounter manipulators of this power - be they benign or malignant. It could well become necessary for you to let go of decadent elements, and strive towards regenerative ones.

Tuesday 13th December

Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

It's as if everything has bells on now, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. There's a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret, so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter. You may feel justified in getting heated over a certain issue, but there is a strong possibility that, ultimately, the only satisfaction you'll get is from merely feeling justified. Your 'opponent' if so disposed, could make you eat your words at a later date, or you may not have a 'later date' to say anything at all; justifiable or otherwise.

At this time it pays to look at what it is in you that causes you to feel ineffectual (or overlooked) in any way. This will not only supply you with useful information which you can then do something constructive about, but it would prevent you having a run in with someone, or something, (like a car or sharp object) that has nothing to do with it - other than the fact that they trigger your anger and frustration born of a complex about self-assertion and getting what you want in life.

Also on Tuesday

Need To Plan Thinking - Heavy Thoughts - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 13th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time. It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Also on Tuesday

Easy Communication - Getting Work Done

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 13th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

You feel 'wired in' to what's most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. You are more able to co-ordinate your efforts and deliberations with those of other people at this time, so coming to agreements, and getting good work done on a co-operative basis, are strongly highlighted. Travel arrangements and making connections are far more likely to go smoothly too.

Wednesday 14th December

Clear Feelings - Equilibrium - Understanding Needs - Inner Calm

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 14th to 17th December 2022. Exact 16th December

This is an excellent time for getting in touch with both yourself and others, because you now experience an optimum balance between what you want and need, and between what you think and feel. So, you are more than usually able to see things in a healthy light, with a minimum of misunderstanding. Seeing eye to eye, creating agreements or settling disputes is also propitious. Moreover, problems arising from childhood traumas may be successfully explored and set on the road to resolution.

Tuesday 13th December


Taking the Initiative - Making Your Way Forwards and Upwards

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 13th to 20th December 2022. Exact 17th December

Whatever needs doing that will help push things forward with regard to your job or profession, now is the time when you are more likely to find the energy to do so. Alternatively, or additionally, some individual could give you a push. Or, others might be looking to you for leadership, and this gives you the confidence to oblige them. Notwithstanding other inhibiting factors, the lights are now on green for 'go'.

Wednesday 14th December


Stimulating or Challenging Your Ego - High Energy - Anger or Drive

Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Sun from 14th to 21st December 2022. Exact 18th December


Finding a suitable and effective outlet for your energies is the main issue at present. This probably means expressing yourself physically as well as mentally. So, if there is something you have to do that needs a definite degree of forcefulness, then now is the time to go for it. But this is also a time when you can arouse or be aroused to anger or arrogance. This could be just right for clearing the air or making a breakthrough, but watch out for over-reactions, because they could lead to damage. This is a 'hot' period, and can set things off easily. It is up to you whether it is for good or ill.

Saturday 17th December

Love At Odds With Sex - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 17th to 19th December 2022. Exact 19th December

You are very much in the mood for sexual and/or romantic experience, or simply to feel socially alive. Depending upon your temperament and availability, such an experience, or at least the opportunity for one, could arise right now, or, it would be a good time to plan for such an occasion, or, failing all of these, it could be a time of frustration if these matters have been put on the backburner.

Then again, out of the blue could come an experience that kind of pleasurably highlights the current state of affairs in your love/sex/social life - even precipitating you into an affair or relationship. All in all though, this has the potential to be an enjoyable and exciting time - but be wary of your own shortcomings with respect to these areas being exposed.

Also on Saturday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 17th to 19th December 2022. Exact 19th December

You experience the serious or very real side of love and social involvement now. This is not a time for having fun and letting your hair down, so do not plan for this or get frustrated trying to make it so. More than likely your partner, or people in general, will come across as sober and responsible now - or in need of such qualities. If you are not with anyone, you can feel more alone than usual, or if you are prepared to take a serious rather than cynical look, you can get the measure of why you are unattached.

If this is truly not an issue under this influence, then you can probably congratulate yourself on being genuinely self-sufficient. By and large though, this period is inclined to show up the warts and weaknesses in your love and social life, including the pressure to do something about it. In any event, this means being emotionally mature and responsible and doing what has to done, even though it is difficult. In time, such commitment will prove to be well worth it. On a financial level, you may well have to read the writing on the wall here instead, or as well, getting real about money being the call of the day.

Also on Saturday

Highlighting Uniqueness and Individuality - Expect the Unexpected

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 17th to 20th December 2022. Exact 19th December

How you experience this influence has everything to do with how in touch you are with what is special about life in general and yourself in particular. If you have allowed your life to become too routine and predictable, then something (or someone) could appear on the scene to give you a shock or a jolt, or at least remind you that the world is a wild and extraordinary place. Alternatively, you could be the one to shock others by revealing what is rebellious or highly original about you. Why not make this a date with the unexpected by doing something you'd never normally do? Then, with the element of surprise on your side, there's no telling what new ideas or vistas could open up in front of you!

Sunday 18th December

Pleasant Living - Creative Awareness - Happy Day - Love Life

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 18th to 20th December 2022. Exact 20th December

You should be on good terms with the world around now, and particularly with those who are close to you. If there have been any emotional disturbances of late, then this offers an opportunity to patch up and make up. Also, if you want to go and find a certain consumer item, then you are more likely to find just what you want right now. Artistic expression and appreciation is also well-starred - so get thee to a studio, instrument, keyboard or gallery, etc.

Monday 19th December

Positive Thinking - Knowing The Plan - Goodwill - Luck

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 21st December

You are in a good frame of mind now as you're in touch with the better sides of your life and personality. It's as if you can see how you fit in with the greater whole; you feel that everything is for the best, and you have some sense of how things will pan out alright. So, with anything that is particularly oiled by having Lady Luck on your side, now is a good time to go for it - notwithstanding other influences to the contrary. You are also quite likely to encounter positive and encouraging people at this time.

Saturday 17th December


Disciplined Activity - Concentrated Energy - Steady Work

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Saturn from 17th to 25th December 2022. Exact 22nd December

This period is good for getting down to those tasks that require effort, but that are not very exciting. This is because you are now naturally inclined to plod on in an uncomplaining fashion, simply being satisfied in the knowledge that a necessary job is being well done. Painstaking work can be undertaken because you are not so easily interrupted or side-tracked.

Also on Saturday


Easy Self-Assertion - Stimulating Confidence - Winning Ways

Transiting Mars Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mars from 17th to 25th December 2022. Exact 22nd December

If you wish to start (or re-start) anything, then now is the time. Unless you have more inhibiting factors at present, you are able to impress both yourself and others with your 'get up and go'. And if you are normally somewhat reluctant to assert yourself, then know that Mars is giving you a green light to do so. The most constructive form of activity is physical, because you simply enjoy the fact that you have a body. All in all though, you can get a lot done now - be it work or play, physical or mental.

Wednesday 21st December

Highlighting Personal Self-Expression - Being a Social Animal

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 21st to 24th December 2022. Exact 23rd December

Your urge and ability to mix with others is marginally increased for the time being; you also come across in a more coherent fashion than usual. So, gathering people around you, or getting out and about (depending on which is more suitable), is a good idea, because you now make a good impression. If you usually like to 'play to the crowd', then you'll shine even more now. If not, then you might now possibly surprise yourself.

Also on Wednesday

Sleuthing It - Powerful Words and Thoughts - Deep Study

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 21st to 25th December 2022. Exact 23rd December

If you have a job to do that requires your undivided attention; do it now. Not only is your mind on relatively good form, and can work into the night, you are also in the frame of mind where you can repel any interference powerfully, even ruthlessly, if need be. You know that you have to see whatever it is through, no matter what.

Sunday 25th December

Loving Deeply - Genuine Attraction - Sexual Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 25th to 28th December 2022. Exact 27th December

You are drawn to what is deep and dark - but probably without feeling controlled or compromised by such a feeling, such as can often be the case. If in a relationship, you now have the experience, or opportunity, of feeling in touch with the nucleus of what binds you together, yet in a way that is very right, fated even. This influence could possibly trigger the start of an important relationship, but there would probably have to be other, longer standing planetary effects to make it so.

Tuesday 27th December

Emotional Discomfort - Discord with/between Females - Let It Be

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 27th to 30th December 2022. Exact 29th December

This need not necessarily be a difficult time - it can in fact turn out to be quite pleasurable. However, there is an inclination for social and domestic needs to get in the way of one another. This can also include disharmony on the home front, conflict between mother and lover, or being too accommodating and having to pay the price. Inherent in all this though, is a need for peace, so that upsets are usually righted quite soon afterwards. Feelings and values may clash, but the requirements of security and harmony eventually hold sway.

Saturday 24th December


Logic Versus Feelings - Gossip and Trivia

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Moon from 24th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 31st December

Time could be wasted with gossiping and small talk - but then again, it might be this very thing that makes you feel in tune with your immediate environment. You are more mentally in touch with your feelings at this time, so you may learn a lot on this front, as well as making it clear to others how you feel and, conversely, receiving from them how they feel. Saying too much could be something to watch out for, as too would be getting into a confrontation with somebody who lives close by, a colleague or family member. Then again, it could be precisely such a confrontation that makes you more aware of your own and another's feelings, generally speaking or with regard to some specific matter.

Thursday 29th December

Love Dreams - Pleasing Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 29th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 31st December

Any feelings or ideas regarding love, sex, music or art - or social life generally - are now nicely attuned to your ideals and visions of a better life. None of this is particularly dynamic, but this gentle, almost 'hippie' type, influence can be very enjoyable. This is a good time to put aside for any pursuit or pastime that comes into these categories.

Forecast Until 25th January 2023

Friday 30th December

The Electricity Of Love - Unusual Attractions - Unexpected Pleasure

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 30th December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 1st January 2023

There is a sparkle to sexual, social or creative activities. A certain type of freeness pervades your involvements that can give rise to new forms of pleasure or expression, exciting contacts and new groups of people. A good time to get out and experiment with life and society, to see what it has on offer. Gatherings go with a swing, people show their more original or quirky sides.

Saturday 31st December

Highlighting Personal Drive, Sex Life, Courage and Decisiveness

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 31st December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 1st January 2023


Mars is symbolic of that force within and around you which makes it possible to go for, and get something or someone; it also represents the urge and the right to do so. How good, bad or indifferent you are when it comes to expressing your Mars qualities is currently an issue. Being active, independent, forthright or bold now, is a sign that you know what you are after, and how and when to act. Experiencing anger, abusiveness or excessive use of force (either in yourself or another), would be a sign that you need to look at what you yourself are angry about, at what you want, and at what you must do in order to obtain it, or so that you no longer want it.

Also on Saturday

Highlighting Status and Responsibilities, Caution and Doubts

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 31st December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 1st January 2023

This period doesn't exactly find you in a party mood, but it does put you in a sober frame of mind that should enable you to get down to identifying what is (and what is not) required of you, and what is blocking your progress or view. The main trouble is that the pressure will be upon you to do just this. It is attempting to duck your responsibilities that would give you a hard time. Equally though, the thanklessness of tasks done out of a blind sense of duty, or born of fear, also shows up now. Even though this period lasts only a few days, time passes slowly, so use it to reflect coolly and carefully upon your position in life, without feeling panicky or depressed about it. Notwithstanding what else is indicated at present, the time to act comes later, after having made your purpose and obligation clearer.

Sunday 1st January

Smooth Running - Opening Doors - No Worries

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 1st to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

You are 'in sync' with life today - at least, in the context of whatever else is going on for you astrologically at this time. So now is when you can gain co-operation from others, and be generally in tune and in gear. You could also receive assistance from someone; someone who possibly has power or authority.

Also on Sunday


Sleuthing It - Powerful Words and Thoughts - Deep Study

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 1st to 4th January 2023. Exact 3rd January

If you have a job to do that requires your undivided attention; do it now. Not only is your mind on relatively good form, and can work into the night, you are also in the frame of mind where you can repel any interference powerfully, even ruthlessly, if need be. You know that you have to see whatever it is through, no matter what.

Monday 2nd January

Appearance Versus Circumstances - Love The One You're With

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 4th January 2023. Exact 4th January

Venus' trickier ways can dog you now if you are not aware of them. For instance, this means that someone can catch your eye and come to compromise you later. Or, your partner can appear to have not as much going for them as you think you'd like. The situation could be reversed, in both cases. In other words, do not be fooled by looks or style now; stick to the main plot.

Monday 9th January


Easy Communication - Getting Work Done

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Sun from 9th to 12th January 2023. Exact 11th January

You feel 'wired in' to what's most important to you now, so it's a good time for seeing to jobs in hand, saying what has to be said, and generally setting to work on affairs. You are more able to co-ordinate your efforts and deliberations with those of other people at this time, so coming to agreements, and getting good work done on a co-operative basis, are strongly highlighted. Travel arrangements and making connections are far more likely to go smoothly too.

Tuesday 10th January

Love And Sex - Romantic Opportunity - Attracting and/or Attracted

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 10th to 12th January 2023. Exact 12th January

This should go down in your diary as a time to have a good time socially, sexually or romantically - maybe all three! You are at your best with respect to these areas of your life and personality, so opportunity beckons. Attractive, artistic or simply likeable people appear on the scene to sweeten your life - or you could be the one being this for someone else. There should be signs right now - big or small - that it is good to be alive.

Also on Tuesday

Love And Duty - Serious Attachments - The Importance Of Commitment

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 10th to 12th January 2023. Exact 12th January

This brings a period of relative stability in your love life, social involvements or financial affairs. What comprises such is now shown to you, so you can take stock of whatever that is and use it to build and secure these areas for the future. You are now more inclined to be economical and dutiful, without it feeling like a wet blanket. Partners are also inclined towards being more responsible and mature at present.

Also on Tuesday


Need To Plan Thinking - Heavy Thoughts - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Saturn from 10th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time. It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Also on Tuesday


Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Mars from 10th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

It's as if everything has bells on now, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. There's a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret, so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter. You may feel justified in getting heated over a certain issue, but there is a strong possibility that, ultimately, the only satisfaction you'll get is from merely feeling justified. Your 'opponent' if so disposed, could make you eat your words at a later date, or you may not have a 'later date' to say anything at all; justifiable or otherwise.

At this time it pays to look at what it is in you that causes you to feel ineffectual (or overlooked) in any way. This will not only supply you with useful information which you can then do something constructive about, but it would prevent you having a run in with someone, or something, (like a car or sharp object) that has nothing to do with it - other than the fact that they trigger your anger and frustration born of a complex about self-assertion and getting what you want in life.

Also on Tuesday

Repairs and Regeneration - Getting to the Bottom of It - Power Assist

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

This is a good time to start any regimen, to turn things around, to eliminate anything that has been bothering you, or simply to put what's wrong right. You feel a power coursing through you, but it is a gentle and sure power - not one that is insisting you express it no matter what. Your powers of concentration, and your stamina - be it physical, mental or emotional - are stronger than usual, so any demanding activity is better pursued at this time.

Wednesday 11th January

Charity Begins At Home - Domestic Harmony - Loving Family

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 14th January 2023. Exact 13th January

This is a good time to be with your family or whoever you live with. It is also propitious for any home improvement or any creative activity in your home. If there has been any conflict or disharmony in the family, now is the time to make peace. Sentiment and nostalgia could be to the fore, and very pleasurable - but don't overdo this or it could have an ultimately undesirable effect.

Thursday 12th January

Pleasure Plus - Love Life Focused - Spending Sprees - Generosity

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 12th to 15th January 2023. Exact 14th January

Pleasure and harmony are the hallmarks of this time, but so too is indulgence, so watch your pocket and appetite! Be that as it may, Venus says that at times you just must enjoy yourself and not count the cost. The value of having a good time is priceless, and this influence has that very potential. Your love life can also receive a boost now, be it the start of something big, a rekindled romance, or simply an enjoyable evening or two with one (or ones) that are important to you.

Also on Thursday

Feeling Split - Emotional Conflict - Negotiating Difficulties

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 12th to 15th January 2023. Exact 14th January

You could find yourself in two minds about a certain issue. Such could, in turn, give rise to discontent and conflict of purpose. You may find yourself in disputes with family members, or be feeling generally at odds with the world around you. Succumbing to negative feelings would, however, be missing the point as this influence offers you the opportunity to see the emotional score, to be less subjective, read the writing on the wall and obey what it says. You can sort out problems as long as you are emotionally honest enough to accept that which is your responsibility and that which is someone else's - because this is now being made clear.

Sunday 15th January

Going With The Flow - Attuned To Spirit - Creativity and Entertainment

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 15th to 17th January 2023. Exact 16th January

This is a fine, subtle influence, which you could miss unless you are alive to the unseen, mystical or imaginative elements of life and your personality. Any kind of creative or spiritual pursuit - either active or passive - is propitious under this planetary effect. You are more attuned to subtle and emotional vibrations than usual, and possibly sense that struggling with issues only prolongs or complicates them. An enjoyable time listening to, or playing music, communing with Nature, or any activity involving the sea, are some of the possibilities right now.

Also on Sunday

Loving Thoughts - Sweet Words - Artistic Perception - Eye for Value

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 15th to 18th January 2023. Exact 17th January

The poet, writer, artist or diplomat is now strong in you, so with any situation that requires a way with words, you're the one for the job! People or things that please and interest you are now likely to appear on the scene, so gatherings and shopping trips are propitious - notwithstanding, as usual, any contrary planetary influences possibly active at this time.

Monday 16th January

Waking up to The Truth - Light upon The Future - The New and Unusual

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 16th to 19th January 2023. Exact 18th January

Whatever else may be going on in your life, this influence helps you to see it as part of a greater pattern or long term process of development. You also gain insights into what is unique about yourself, and others too - and you begin to appreciate more what freedom actually means. Additionally, this is a good time to involve yourself with subjects that take a greater overview of life, like science and technology, astronomy, astrology, psychology, etc.

Thursday 19th January

Challenging Social/Emotional Equilibrium - Importance of Sharing

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 19th to 22nd January 2023. Exact 21st January

Seeing eye-to-eye with others is not easy now, so don't expect to gain any goodwill, persuade anyone, or feel that 'at peace' with the world. This is really a test of your equilibrium, so just balance on that wire and don't try any clever tricks.

Friday 20th January

Emotional Harmony - Accord with/between Females - Attractiveness

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 20th to 23rd January 2023. Exact 22nd January

This is a very 'female' influence in that you are inclined to use charm and receptivity rather than drive and ambition. If you are usually disposed towards making things happen, you would now be wise to let them happen as they will, because in this way the easiest solution or most attractive outcome will ensue. Any pursuits that require grace, diplomacy or artistic imagination, or occasions like domestic or family gatherings and parties are highlighted at this time.

Sunday 22nd January

Love's Illusions - Precarious Fantasies - Artistic Inspiration

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 22nd to 25th January 2023. Exact 24th January

The most romantic and ideal, but equally the most fanciful and illusory, experiences can come your way now. You are more inclined to fall in love or lust, or to be made a fool of, for that matter. A more reliable expression, or use, of this influence is to involve yourself with some creative work, have a special time out with someone you have genuine love feelings for, or simply take in a good movie.

A new relationship can arise under this influence - but remember that 'under the influence' can be all that it amounts to unless you have at least one foot on the ground. Platonic involvements are quite likely - or they turn out to be! Be that as it may, this can promise to be a pleasurable, if rather heady, time. All of the above could equally just take place in your head. On a more mundane note, you could find just the item you were after, or thought you were! Very much a 'what's real?' type of time, so do not take anything at face value - be it exciting or depressing.

Monday 23th January

Forceful Words and Thinking - Count To Ten - Getting a Lot Done

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 23rd to 27th January 2023. Exact 25th January

It's as if everything has bells on now, and the slightest wrong word or movement sets them jangling. There's a danger of speaking out of turn, or of saying something you later come to regret, so try to think before speaking - or acting, for that matter. You may feel justified in getting heated over a certain issue, but there is a strong possibility that, ultimately, the only satisfaction you'll get is from merely feeling justified. Your 'opponent' if so disposed, could make you eat your words at a later date, or you may not have a 'later date' to say anything at all; justifiable or otherwise.

At this time it pays to look at what it is in you that causes you to feel ineffectual (or overlooked) in any way. This will not only supply you with useful information which you can then do something constructive about, but it would prevent you having a run in with someone, or something, (like a car or sharp object) that has nothing to do with it - other than the fact that they trigger your anger and frustration born of a complex about self-assertion and getting what you want in life.

Also on Monday

Need To Plan Thinking - Heavy Thoughts - Officialdom

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 23rd to 27th January 2023. Exact 25th January

This is when you can (or have to) get down to some serious thinking or work. Failure to do what needs doing can give rise to depression, or pressure from someone or something that has authority over you. Basically, your mind now turns to whatever is your responsibility. Whether or not you are alive to what that is and knuckle down to it, makes the difference between this being a heavy, or efficient time. It is definitely not a time for woolly thinking and escapism, because you could put yourself in line for some kind of bad reaction or payback, either now or later on. This is not supposed to be a 'fun' time, so don't frustrate or exhaust yourself trying to make out that it is. It's a time for work and effort, so you will feel far better (and lighter) as a result of simply doing what has to be done - or what you have been putting off.

Daniel's Planetary Positions

March, 2nd 1968 Local Time 11:30 PM Universal Time 10:30 PM

Chester, United Kingdom 53°12'N, 02°55'W

All times based on current location of Chester, United Kingdom


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Semisextile Mars
Sun Semisextile Saturn
Sun Quincunx MidHeaven
Moon Trines Jupiter
Moon Opposes Ascendant
Moon Conjuncts North Node
Mercury Conjuncts Venus
Mercury Opposes MidHeaven
Mercury Sextiles North Node
Venus Conjuncts Mercury
Venus Sextiles Mars
Venus Sextiles Saturn
Venus Sesquiquadrate Uranus
Venus Opposes MidHeaven
Venus Semisquare Chiron
Mars Semisextile Sun
Mars Sextiles Venus
Mars Conjuncts Saturn
Mars Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Mars Trines MidHeaven
Mars Conjuncts North Node
Jupiter Trines Moon
Jupiter Semisextile Uranus
Jupiter Squares Neptune
Jupiter Sextiles Ascendant
Jupiter Quincunx Chiron
Saturn Semisextile Sun
Saturn Sextiles Venus
Saturn Conjuncts Mars
Saturn Sesquiquadrate Neptune
Saturn Trines MidHeaven
Saturn Conjuncts North Node
Uranus Sesquiquadrate Venus
Uranus Semisextile Jupiter
Uranus Sextiles Neptune
Uranus Conjuncts Pluto
Uranus Semisquare MidHeaven
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Mars
Neptune Squares Jupiter
Neptune Sesquiquadrate Saturn
Neptune Sextiles Uranus
Neptune Trines Chiron
Pluto Conjuncts Uranus
Pluto Opposes Chiron
Ascendant Sextiles Jupiter
MidHeaven Quincunx Sun
MidHeaven Opposes Mercury
MidHeaven Opposes Venus
MidHeaven Trines Mars
MidHeaven Trines Saturn
MidHeaven Semisquare Uranus
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Chiron
North Node Conjuncts Moon
North Node Sextiles Mercury
Chiron Semisquare Venus
Chiron Quincunx Jupiter
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Trines Neptune
Chiron Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven